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Q: What waS Henery Hudson looking for when he found the Hudson bay?
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Who found Hudson bay?

A guy name Henrey Hudson found Hudson Bay.

Who found bay?

A guy name Henrey Hudson found Hudson Bay.

Why did Henry Hudson explore the Hudson River?

Henry Hudson explored america and found Hudson Bay for the british

Which country is Hudson Bay found?

Hudson Bay is found in Canada. It is a large body of saltwater in northeastern Canada.

Who found the Hudson River?

Henry Hudson found the Hudson River and the Hudson Bay

What did Hudson achieve?

he found Hudson bay

What were Henry Hudsons accomplishments?

He found the Hudson Bay, the Hudson River, and he worked his way up from a cabin boy to a captain.

Did Hudson map out anything on his voyage what was it?

He found Hudson Bay.

What hardship did Henry Hudson encountered?

He found the Hudson River (In present day Albany), Hudson Bay (In present day Canada), and Hudson Straits (Which is linked to Hudson Bay).

What lands did Henry Hudson find?

Henry Hudson found was it now part of Canada. Hence the name, Hudson bay in southeastern Canada

Who is a Henry Hudson?

He is a very famous explorer who found the Hudson Bay, River and Strait.

Did Hudson explore Hudson bay?

Yes. He was the one who found it and so people named it after him.