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the Chinese Water Torture Cell

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Q: What was Harry Houdini's most famous illusion's?
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Harry houdinis major accomplishment?

When 100,000 people watched "The King of Handcuffs" wriggle free while hanging from a building in 1916, a newspaper reported that this was "the biggest crowd ever assembled in Washington at one place except for the inauguration of the President." One of Houdini's most spectacular illusions was the "Vanishing Elephant," in which the pachyderm lumbered on to the stage and walked straight into a large cabinet. Almost simultaneously the cabinet's walls would be pulled back and the elephant had disappeared. Houdini said "Even the elephant does not know how it is done."

Who is the most famous character in Harry Potter?

Arguably, the most famous character would be the titular Harry Potter.

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Harry Potter is the most famous, absolutly ...

What is the most famous dialogue in Harry Potter?

"Yer a wizard, Harry."

Who is the most famous harri?

Harry Houdini.

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Some of the most famous scholars in consumer behavior include Daniel Kahneman, Richard Thaler, and Philip Kotler. They have made significant contributions to understanding how consumers make decisions, perceive value, and interact with products and marketing strategies.

What is the most famous animal in Harry Potter?

hedwig because he is the owl of the most famous wizard in the movies and in the books and also saved harry potter in harry potter and the deathly hallows when the deatheaters chaced harry but sadly he died

Who was the famous magician in the world?

The most famous magician in the world was Harry Houdini.

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Who was the most famous magician?

Harry Houdini - I think.

What is the most famous series?

Most likely the Harry Potter series.

What is J.K. Rowling's most famous book?

J.K. Rowling's most famous book is "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," the first book in the Harry Potter series.