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Q: What was Jacqueline Cochran's first job?
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She was 17 years old.

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Cochrans is the plural of Cochran

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Jacqueline Mundell has written: 'Job satisfaction' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Job satisfaction

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she is a author

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What was Jacqueline Wilson's first job?

Her first job was working for D C Thompson as a journalist for jackie magasine why did you call your daugher Emma!!!!!! Her first job was working for D C Thompson as a journalist for jackie magasine why did you call your daugher Emma!!!!!!

What is Jacqueline Wilsons daughter's job?

she is a dentist

What is a complete guide to Parliamentary Procedure?

your in Mr. Cochrans class aren't you?

What was Jacqueline Wilson first job ever?

jackie was a journalist for jackie magazine before her current job now wich is an author here is a picture of jackie magazine

Does Jacqueline Wilson have a job?

Yes, her job is to write childrens' and teenage fiction books

What book was first published by Jacqueline Wilson?

Jacqueline Wilson wrote best friends first!!

Who was Jacqueline Wilson's first boyfriend?

Jacqueline's Wilson first boyfriend is Allan . You can find out more about him in JACKY DAYDREAM .