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king duncan was the king of demark which in the past was in a war with england, so in the play they didnt want to make demark look like bad people so they replaced the demark people with danes

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Macbeth wanted to kill Banquo because there was a prophecy made by the three witches that Macbeth would become king; however, Banquo's children would be next on the throne. Since Macbeth wanted his own (yet to be conceived) child to succeed him, he decided to kill Banquo and his son. The son (Fleance) escaped and later became king.

Macbeth kills Lady Macduff and her children because of another appearance from the witches. The first apparition they show him warns him that he should beware the Thane of Fife (Macduff). Since Macduff is out of the country at the time, Macbeth has his family murdered

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He is motivated by many things: his desire to be a good subject, his belief that he is the natural and proper successor to Duncan, his love for his wife, his desire not to appear unmanly, his concern for the consequences of his actions, superstition, etc.

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In Shakespeares play Macbeth, his primary motive was ambition.

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Q: What was Macbeth's motive for killing banquo and what is his motive for killing Lady Macduff?
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Were Macbeth and macduff friends?

There is no indication of any closeness between them. Macduff is never much interested in socializing with Macbeth. We first see him when he arrives at Macbeth's castle to see Duncan. Note that it is the king he wants to see, not Macbeth. When Macbeth is named king, Macduff refuses to attend the coronation. He also refuses to come to Lady Macbeth's dinner party. It would appear that he never liked Macbeth much.

What was Cassius's motive for killing Caesar?

Cassius is envious of Caesar. because Cassius didn't want to be ruler my anyone. Cassius felt that Caesar had too much power and was bad for Rome.

What motive does Laius assign to Laius' killer in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Money is the motive that Oedipus assigns to Laius' killer in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Oedipus becomes suspicious upon hearing that King Laius, his royal predecessor, is killed far outside Thebes. He believes that the killing is carried out by hired assassins. He concludes that the killers do the deed for pay and on behalf of Laius' enemies within Thebes.

Who is under suspicion for Duncan's murder?

Well, they didn't follow very good police procedure. On discovering the murder, Macduff called the others into Duncan's room. There they found Duncan stabbed to death, and a lot of blood about. His grooms, or bodyguards, had blood on their daggers and blood smeared on their faces. Macbeth, seeing this, and without any further investigation, killed them. When he was asked why he did that he answered that he was so angered by their apparent guilt that he could not hold himself back. Only later does the nagging question of motive come up. In Act II Scene 4 Ross and Macduff have the following conversation: Ross says, "Is it known who did this more than bloody deed?" and Macduff answers "Those who Macbeth hath slain." Ross then asks, "What good could they pretend?", meaning "what good could it do them?" Macduff answers, "They were suborned", which is to say, bribed. and anticipating Ross's next question, he says that since Malcolm and Donalbain have fled the scene, they are suspected of bribing the bodyguards. The logic of all this is highly suspect, but people in general are very poor at applying logic to questions of guilt and innocence. Only after the passage of time does this picture start to appear fishy to the people in Scotland, who realize that if Malcolm and Donalbain committed the murder, it did them no good whatsoever, but seems to have benefited Macbeth immensely. In particular, Lennox expresses this doubt about the all-too-quick resolution of the murder in Act III Scene 6, and hints that he now suspects Macbeth of the murder.

What is the dramatic impact of Macbeths soliliquy in act 2 scene 1?

That it foreshadows the killing of Macbeth (d. August 15, 1057) by giving a motive to Macduff is the importance of Act IV Scene III in the play "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare (Baptized April 26, 1564 - April 23, 1616).Specifically, Macbeth abandons his entire household in Scotland for safe haven in England. He leaves without giving any information to his wife of his intentions and whereabouts. In England, he learns that in his absence, Macbeth orders the snuffing out of all life in Macduff's castle. He thereby has a powerful motive to join with the other exiles in planning the overthrow of Macbeth.

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Macbeth was killed by Macduff because Macbeth had send men to kill (successfully) Macduff's wife and son. Also, since Macbeth was the tryant ruler of Scotland, Macduff (and the English forces brought by Malcom) were in battle with Macbeth and his men.

Were Macbeth and macduff friends?

There is no indication of any closeness between them. Macduff is never much interested in socializing with Macbeth. We first see him when he arrives at Macbeth's castle to see Duncan. Note that it is the king he wants to see, not Macbeth. When Macbeth is named king, Macduff refuses to attend the coronation. He also refuses to come to Lady Macbeth's dinner party. It would appear that he never liked Macbeth much.

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What is Macbeths motive for having banquo killed?

Macbeth wants Banquo dead because Banquo witnessed what the three witches said. The three witches stated that Macbeth would one day become king. Now that Macbeth has become king, and done so by taking the life of the previous King Duncan, he fears that Banquo will spread the word that Macbeth was the one to commit the murder.

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The Nazis killed people to allow Hitler's father Dahak to enter the world?

No, that was not really the motive behind the Nazi killing of the Jews.

What is the percentage of a one time killer killing again?

Depends what the motive was for killing, if it was a psychotic killing then probably A one time killer woulnt be a one time killer if he killed again would he, it depends on the situations, if he had the opportunity to kill again then most likely

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What is an motive?

An ulterior motive is a motive that they have beyond the main motive. They often do not show that they have this motive and it is often not good. The ulterior motive is almost always has it for their own good only.

What is a sentence with the word motive?

The police are trying to find the motive of the murder.Money is my main motive.

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One possible motive for George to kill Sam Westing could be to inherit his wealth and gain control of the Westing estate. Additionally, George may have felt wronged by Westing in some way and sought revenge through his murder.