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He Was An Emmisary I Believe

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Q: What was Marco Polo's job when he worked for Kublai Khan?
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Who paid for Marco polos ship?

Kublai Khan paid the finances.

How did the Polos convince Kublai Khan to let them return home?

Marco Polo and his father were not exactly captives of the greath Kublai Khan, but they were not permitted to leave his kingdom all the same. They finally were permited to leave when Marco agreed to escort one of Khan's daughters to her new husband in Persia. From there, the Polos returned home without conflict.

How Marco Polo traveld?

marco polo traveled by ship to make this happen kublai khan a chinese emperor paid the expenses for polos boat

Who ruled china when Marco Polo visited them?

Genghis Khan.

Was Kublai Khan born in China?

no the Kublai khan was born in Marco polo

What is the name of the country that Marco polo found?

Marco polo found china and Mongolia .there he worked for the mongal empeor and for kublai khan

Is great Khan kublai Khan's granpa?

If you mean the Great Kublai Khan, emperor of China in Marco Polo's time ( Marco actually met Kublai Khan) which I think you are, than the answer is Gangas KhanSorces; 5th grade social studies book

Who visited the court of kublai Khan?

Marco Polo.

In what did Marco polo get to kublai khan?

he made them feel good

Who entrusted Marco Polo to carry out his business?

kublai khan

Who was the venetian explorer who visited the of Kublai Khan?

Marco Polo

How did Marco Polo met?

Kublai Khan