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Q: What was Naturalization Acts main goal?
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What president who passed the Sedition and Naturalization Acts?

John Adams

What was the naturalization acts?

when only white and African American can be citizens.

What did all 3 of the alien and naturalization acts have in common with each other?

the3 alien acts and nautralization acts had nothing to do with each other

What is the main reason for naturalization?

The main reason for naturalization is so that a person may live and work securely in their chosen country safe in the knowledge that their presence is legal and permanent.

Did the naturalization and alien acts offend new immigrants and drive them to support federalists?

It did not drive them to support the federalists because John Adams, who was president at the time, was a federalist. He passed the naturalization and alien acts (or alien and sedition acts) just in case that we were to have war with France, Great Britian, or Spain, those "immigrants" would be kicked out.

Did the Naturalization and Alien Acts offend new immigrants?

It did not drive them to support the federalists because John Adams, who was president at the time, was a federalist. He passed the naturalization and alien acts (or alien and sedition acts) just in case that we were to have war with France, Great Britian, or Spain, those "immigrants" would be kicked out.

Major events of John Quincy Adams?

The Naturalization Act and The X Y Z affair. The Alien and Sedition Acts.

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his main goal was to go to mars

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his main goal was to help others

What was the north's main goal in the war?

The main goal was the restoration of he Union.

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The main goal of a Six Sigma implementation is continuous improvement.

What was the main goal of the league of nations?

The main goal was to preserve world peace.