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Rather than just referring to the Trojan war, all throughout, Athena was helping Odysseus.

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Q: What was Odysseus' patron goddess in the Trojan war?
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The goddess Athene affects the outcome of the battle by?

The Goddess Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war. She was behind Odysseus, and inspired him with the Trojan Horse idea. Which lead to the fall of the city of Troy. The goddess was also the patron of defensive Warcraft, with regard to tacticians and the intellectual side of war.

What role does Athena's powers play in Greek mythology?

she is the goddess of wisdom and fighting she has a huge impact in the Trojan war, as she favoured Odysseus. She is the patron goddess of Athens, a major city in Greek history and as a member of the Olympians she has huge powers and influence on the world

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What Odysseus happens after Trojan war?

Odysseus is an epic hero. Based on what you know about the Trojan War and Odysseus, write a paragraph predicting what you think The Odyssey will be about.

What war did Odysseus fight?

The Trojan War.

What war did Odysseus fight in?

The Trojan War.

What is a greek mythological character beginning with a?

Aeolus, (one of) the gods of the wind Artemis, the goddess of the hunt Athena, the goddess of war Aggememnon, the leader of the Greek heroes in the Trojan War Ajax, one of the Greek heroes of the Trojan War Argos, Odysseus' dog and Argos, Jason's ship

Who were Odysseus's friends?

He was friends with the other greek Kings involved in the Trojan War -- Nestor, Menelaus, Agamemnon, Achilles, Ajax.....etc. Odysseus was friends with his shipmates -- Eurylochos, Polites, Elpenor. Athena is his patron-goddess and aids him with her powers. His servants love him -- the nursemaid, Eurykleia, Philoitios the oxherd and the swineherd Eumaios.

Wisest man in the Trojan war?

Odysseus was the wisest of the chieftains during the Trojan war.

Does Odysseus go willingly?

No- he wants to stay with his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus except the Goddess Athena recommends he fights in the Trojan War. Odysseus listens to the Goddess.May the odds be ever in your favour.

Athena had something to do with the Trojan horse?

Athena is the Greek Goddess of wisdom (and war) so she is said to have inspired Odysseus to come up with the wooded horse.

What other storys was Odysseus in?

the Trojan war