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Act III Scene 1 helps us to understand Shylock's motivation. He is treated to some unpleasant remarks from the Anti-Semitic Salanio and Salarino on the subject of his daughter's elopement. He vents his rage by refusing to consider showing leniency to Antonio. His friend Tubal then shows up with bad news about Jessica and her good-for-nothing goyishe husband--they are recklessly spending all of his hard-earned and long-saved money which they stole. They have even traded away the engagement ring Jessica's mother gave Shylock--for a monkey. There is nothing Shylock can do to Lorenzo, but he will have his revenge on Antonio. Antonio must pay for what Shylock has suffered from Salanio, Salarino, Lorenzo and all the others. Is it fair? No. Is it the way people think? Of course it is.

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Q: What was William Shakespeare's purpose in writing act iii scene I of The Merchant of Venice?
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