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From the Jews point of view it was probably something like 13 people huddled together in their attic eating their Jew crackers drinking the blood of Christ

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Q: What was a typical family dinner like during the holocaust?
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Who stayed with the franks during the holocaust?

The Van Pels family stayed with the Franks during the holocaust.

What night is the family dinner for chanukah?

There is no tradition of a family dinner on Hanukkah. The family eats dinner every night during Hanukkah, according to their routine.

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Robert's family is stunned during dinner when he announces that he is dropping out of college to pursue a career in music.

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Many people serve turkey dinner for special occasions such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. A typical turkey dinner normally consists of a roasted turkey served with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and vegetables. Cranberry sauce is served to top off the turkey.

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Anne Frank was apart of the Holocaust, she later died during it along with her entire family besides her father.

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during a family dinner

Was Renate Wolff killed during the holocaust?

No one knows, her and her family disappeared without a trace.

What family joined Anne Frank's family in hiding during the Holocaust?

The van Pels family - friends and business associates, and a dentist, Frtiz Pfeffer.

Why is it recommended that a family eat dinner together?

Sitting at the table and eating dinner together, gives a family the opportunity to talk and catch up on what is going on in each others' lives. The diners are also less likely to overeat when they eat slowly during a family dinner.

Who agreed to help the Anne Frank Family during the Germany invade?

Miep Gies and Mr.Kraler helped Anne Frank's family hide during the Holocaust.