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More ppl working on the reform

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Q: What was an effect of the increase in religious involvement in the country apex?
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What was in effect of the increase in religious involvement in the country?

More people working for reform

What was an effect of the increase religious involvement in the country?

More people working for reform

What was an effect of of the increase in religious involvement in the country?

More people working for reform

What was an effect of the increase in religious involvement in the country?

More people working for reform

What is an effect of the increase religious involvement in the country?

More love and care towards everyone, and less crime.

What is an effect of the increase of religious involvement in the country?

An effect of increased religious involvement in a country can be greater social cohesion and community bonding as people come together around shared beliefs and values. Additionally, religious organizations may provide increased support to communities in terms of charitable activities, social services, and moral guidance. However, there can also be challenges such as increased tensions between different religious groups or conflicts arising from differing religious beliefs.

What was an effect of the increase in religious involve the in the country?

More people working for reform

What was an effect of the increase in religious awareness in the country?

An effect of the increase in religious awareness in a country may include a greater sense of community among followers, as well as potential conflicts between different religious groups due to differing beliefs and practices. Additionally, there may be an influence on political and social dynamics as religious beliefs can shape people's attitudes and behaviors.

How does government involvement effect tourism?

It brings in tourists who stay in hotels and go sightseeing and all this brings in foreign exchange to the country.

What group's opposed the effort to increase public education?

In the USA, the term "Public education" refers to schooling which is provided and paid for by the government and is basically free to all. A main opponent of this system was a New Yorker named Weaver who, in 1870, questioned the effect this would have on society.

What were the effects of 9-11 on the UK?

Certainly one major effect was a substantial increase in security at airports. A certain degree of 'Islamophobia can also be attributed to the aftermath of 9/11. Of course, British involvement in the war in Afghanistan is another ongoing effect.

What is the trade feedback effect?

The Trade Feedback Effect trade feedback effect The tendency for an increase in the economic activity of one country to lead to a worldwide increase in economic activity, which then feeds back to that country. An increase in U.S. imports increases other countries' exports, which stimulates those countries' economies and increases their imports, which increases U.S. exports, which stimulates the U.S. economy and increases its imports, and so on. This is the trade feedback effect. In other words, an increase in U.S. economic activity leads to a worldwide increase in economic activity, which then ―feeds back to the usa