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Chandler worked as an IT Procurement Manager with the specialization "Statistical analysis and data reconfiguration", a job which he thoroughly loathed. It remains a running joke through most of the seasons that no one quite knows what he does.

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14y ago

Throughout most of the series, Chandler was an executive specialising in statistical factoring and data reconfiguration. He later quit and found a job as a junior copywriter with an advertising agency.

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13y ago

Chandler worked as an IT Procurement Manager with the specialization "Statistical analysis and data reconfiguration" Throughout most of the series. He later quit and found a job as a junior copywriter with an advertising agency.

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14y ago

Chandler's job was the brunt of many jokes throughout the series. Monica doesn't even learn what it is he does until after he quits. To answer your question, Chandler works in Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration. After he quits, he gets a job in advertising.

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12y ago

In a trivia game Ross made up that would decide who got the big apartment, Rachel answered the final question "What is Chander's job?" with "Transponster." To which Monica yells at her "THAT'S NOT EVEN A WORD!" The two woman lost the apartment to Joey and Chandler

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14y ago

He later quit his IT job and found a job as a junior copywriter with an advertising agency.

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14y ago

Data Reconfigurer & Statistical Processor

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12y ago

W.E.N.I.S. I can't remember what it stands for but that's what he does.

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13y ago

He first worked in statistical analysis and data configuration, however he later quit and became a junior copyright at an advertising agency.

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8y ago

Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration

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Q: What was character Chandler Bing's job in the TV show 'Friends'?
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