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Great Awakening

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The Great Awakening was a series of religious revivals in the American colonies during the 18th century that aimed to renew religious enthusiasm and commitment among the population. It emphasized a personal relationship with God and prompted a wave of conversions and religious fervor.

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Q: What was designed to renew religious enthusiasm and commitment?
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Revivalist preachers are best described as?

Enthusiastic speakers

What did the first great awakening share with the second great awakening?

Both the first and second Great Awakenings were religious revival movements that emphasized emotional and personal religious experiences, rejected formalities of organized religion, and spurred social change by urging individuals to reform their lives. They both sought to renew faith and increase religious fervor among the American population.

What does a bishop say during holy orders?

During holy orders, a bishop typically asks the candidate for priesthood a series of questions related to their commitment to serving the Church and living a life of faith. The bishop also bestows blessings and prayers upon the candidate, invoking the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength in their future ministry.

What did god send to restore humanities friendship with him?

God sent Jesus Christ to restore humanity's friendship with Him through His teachings, sacrifice, and resurrection, which offered redemption and forgiveness for our sins. Jesus's message of love, compassion, and grace serves as a bridge between humanity and God, helping to renew the broken relationship between them.

Where was God before creation of the earth?

In many religious beliefs, God is viewed as existing outside of time and space, transcending our understanding of existence. Therefore, the concept of "where" God was before creation may not apply in the same way as it does to physical beings or objects. Some believe that God's presence and essence permeates all existence, including before the creation of the earth.

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Was designed to renew religious enthusiasm and commitment?

Great Awakening

Is Raionalism designed to renew religious enthusiasm and commitment?

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As in the religious sacrament? To renew our covenants with God.

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You can get a number of free phones from Tmobile if you renew your contract. They ask for a two year commitment and you can choose any phone you like with good credit.

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Renewable term insurance is a type of insurance that you can renew at the end of a specified period. Typically you can renew the coverage but at a higher price. This type of insurance is designed for short term needs.

Do you get renew your marriage vows every seven years?

You can renew them any time you want. But there is no such requirement unless it is part of someone's cultural or religious practices. Most people don't ever do it in any formal way.

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