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The Prophecy says Macbeth will be king.

Duncan is king.

Macbeth cannot be king while Duncan is king.

Duncan will not be king when he is dead.

Therefore, make Duncan dead.

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Q: What was lady macbeth plan to make the prophecies to come true sooner?
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Who knew about the prophecies besides lady Macbeth?

In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the three witches are the ones who make the prophecies about Macbeth becoming king. In addition to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth himself learns about the prophecies from the witches and later seeks them out for more information. Ultimately, Macbeth's actions are driven by his desire to fulfill the prophecies and maintain his position as king.

What is Lady Macbeth plan to make the prophecies come true faster?

She helps Macbeth out by tricking him into killing the king. :P

What king did Macbeth kill in the beginning of Macbeth?

Macbeth killed King Duncan after hearing the witches' prophecies and being urged on by his wife, Lady Macbeth

Macbeth is startled when the witches?

Macbeth is startled when the witches give him their prophecies of his future. However, they did not tell him how to accomplish these prophecies, so he madly and erratically takes things into his own hands with the help of Lady Macbeth.

How does Lady Macbeth react to Macbeth's letter detailing the witches' prophecy that he will be king?

she wants to kill duncan so her husband can get his spot

How did Macbeth respond to the prophecies?

Macbeth's first reaction is to dismiss the prophecies out of hand, as would any sane person. However, the grain of truth, and his own ambition, are what lead him to wonder, though not necessarily believe, the prophecies to be true. It can be argued that it is not his reaction to the prophecies which is important, but that of his wife. Lady Macbeth, who does not hesitate to believe the prophecies, is the one to spur her husband into the actions that follow, and lead to his eventual downfall.

Does Macbeth creep into lady macbeths bedroom?

In Act 1, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Macbeth does not creep into Lady Macbeth's bedroom. Instead, Lady Macbeth receives Macbeth's letter informing her of the witches' prophecies. Their encounter in the play takes place in other locations within their castle.

What three things does Macbeth tell lady Macbeth in his letter?

He told her about the three prophecies that he has been told by the witches. Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis, and King of Scotland.

Did the witches make Macbeth murder duncan?

The witches only gave Macbeth prophecies. It was his decision to do so after Lady Macbeth persuaded him. Although the witches' intentions was probably to cause this murder, the witches did not make Macbeth muder Duncan.

How does Macbeth's first meeting with the witches tempt him and Lady Macbeth?

The witches' prophecies all come true. Indeed Macbeth should beware Macduff because Macduff is the one who kills him, the one who is not of woman born. The forest of Birnam Wood (or part of it anyway) does travel to Dunsinane before the final battle.

How does Lady Macbeth come across in Act 1?

A pretty tough lady.

Who does Macbeth tell about the witches prophecy?

Macbeth heads home to prepare his household for a royal visit. But he first sends a letter ahead, to give his wife the news of the witches' predictions. He shows up not too long after Lady Macbeth finishes reading his message [Act 1 Scene 5].