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Life in a monastery was quite limited in that they had to make a vow to lead a monastic life for the est of their lives. Most of the activities included prayers, going for mass, farming and ensuring that the monastery was running all through.

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Kaleb Becker

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Lvl 1
1y ago
A monastery was a building, or buildings, where people lived and worshiped, devoting their time and life to God
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Jennie Anderson

Lvl 1
1y ago
Probably similar to being a nun or a priest now, a life of poverty, celibacy, and obedience, just more of a community.
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Racuch Fruwa

Lvl 1
1y ago
praying, praying and praying
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Colt Morris

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1y ago
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Colt Morris

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Lvl 5
1y ago

Life in a monastery can vary depending on the specific religious order and traditions followed, but I can provide a general overview of what life in a monastery entails.

1.Monastic Vows: Monastic life is typically centered around a set of vows taken by individuals who choose to live in a monastery. The most common vows are poverty, chastity, and obedience. Poverty involves renouncing personal ownership of material possessions, chastity involves celibacy and abstaining from intimate relationships, and obedience involves submitting to the authority of the monastic community and its leadership.

2.Daily Routine: Monastic life follows a structured daily routine, often referred to as the "monastic horarium" or schedule. The routine typically includes communal prayer, contemplation, work, and study. Monks or nuns engage in various activities such as liturgical worship, meditation, manual labor, and intellectual pursuits. The day is often divided into specific periods for prayer and other activities.

3.Prayer and Worship: Prayer is a central element of monastic life. Monks and nuns participate in communal prayer multiple times a day, coming together in the chapel or church to recite the Divine Office (also known as the Liturgy of the Hours). This involves chanting or reciting psalms, hymns, and other prayers at specified times throughout the day and night. The Eucharist (Mass) is also celebrated regularly.

4.Contemplation and Silence: Monastic life often emphasizes solitude and silence as a means of cultivating a deeper spiritual life. Many monastic orders devote significant time to contemplative prayer and meditation, seeking union with God through silence, reflection, and solitude. Monks and nuns may have designated periods of silence or engage in practices like lectio divina, a meditative reading of sacred texts.

5.Community Life: Monasticism is a communal way of life, and monks or nuns live together in a monastery under the guidance of an abbot or abbess. Community life involves shared responsibilities, such as cooking, cleaning, and maintaining the monastery grounds. Living in close proximity to fellow monastics fosters a sense of mutual support, accountability, and spiritual growth.

6.Work and Service: Monastic life often includes manual labor as a means of sustaining the community and fostering a sense of self-sufficiency. Monks and nuns may engage in various tasks such as farming, gardening, brewing, manuscript copying, bookbinding, or providing hospitality to visitors. The work is often seen as a form of spiritual discipline and service.

7.Study and Education: Monastic orders have a rich tradition of scholarship and intellectual pursuits. Monks and nuns may dedicate time to study religious texts, theology, philosophy, and other subjects. Monasteries have historically played a vital role in preserving and producing knowledge through the transcription and preservation of manuscripts.

It's important to note that monastic life can differ among various religious orders, such as Benedictines, Cistercians, Dominicans, Franciscans, and others. Each order has its own specific traditions, rules, and focus areas, which can shape the daily life and activities of its members.

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