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Naming his useless son Malcolm as his heir instead of the able and well-respected Macbeth was a foolish and selfish decision.

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Q: What was one of King Duncan's chief political errors in MacBeth?
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The worm that's fled hath nature that in time will venom breed no teeth for the present?

Macbeth in Act III Scene 4. He has just been told by the chief murderer that although Banquo has been murdered, Fleance has escaped. Macbeth calls Banquo the "grown serpent", and here is describing Fleance as "the worm which has fled" who in time will become venomous ("will venom breed") but who is not dangerous for the time being

Who became king of scotland after macbeth's death?

In the Shakespearean play, King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040] was stabbed to death by Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. Macbeth then was King for 17 years. He was killed and beheaded by Macduff, who sought revenge for the loss of his entire family and household. But the Scotsman who replaced Macbeth on Scotland's throne was King Duncan I's elder son, King Malcolm III [d. November 13, 1093]. The version of the royal succession by William Shakespeare [Baptized April 26, 1564-April 23, 1616] wasn't backed up by the historical record. Instead, King Duncan was killed by his own men for having launched an unprovoked, unpopular, unjustified, unjust invasion of Macbeth's lands in Moray. After 17 years of rule, Macbeth was succeeded by his stepson, King Lulach [d. March 17, 1058]. King Lulach in turn was succeeded by King Malcolm III, King Duncan's elder son and the murderer of Kings Macbeth and Lulach.

Who is the witch goddess in Macbeth?

There is no "goddess of which craft" in the play Macbeth. There are however 3 witches which appear early in the play as prophets who hail Macbeth, the general and prophesy his ascent to king hood.

Who are Macbeth and duncan?

Duncan is Macbeth's murder victim in the Shakespeare play Macbeth. Duncan is the incumbent Thane of Cawdor. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth plot to kill Duncan and take over his reign, and Macbeth stabs Duncan.

Why does macduff not attend Macbeths banquet?

In the Shakespearean play, Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] held a banquet at Forres Palace after his coronation at Scone. But when it came time for everyone present to be seated, Macbeth wouldn't take his seat. The reason was the pre-empting of the seat by the ghost of Banquo. Banquo was heading back to the Palace for the banquet when he was accosted by three murderers. He made it no further than the nearby park, because his throat was slit. But his ghost made it to the banquet, on time and to unsettle Macbeth, who had hired the killers.

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