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One would be that he was its owner, because he was not, although he had a 12% share in it. It further served as his home base as an actor and later, as a playwright.

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Q: What was one of the common mistakes people make about Shakespeare ownership of the Globe?
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Was William Shakespeare a myth?

Shakespeare was a real person. We have the records of his baptism, his ownership of property, his marriage, the birth of his children and his burial. You can visit his grave, millions do. Some people try to claim that the real man Shakespeare was not the same person as the playwright Shakespeare, but this doesn't make him a myth.

What did rabelais and shakespeare write in to appeal to the common people?

The vernacular. Rabelais wrote in French, Shakespeare in English. In Shakespeare's case, writing in Latin would have been professional suicide, seeing as most of the people who paid to see his plays did not know Latin.

Is Shakespeare's portayal of the commoners in act 1 of Julius Caesar realistic?

Shakespeare was using common people in Elizabethan England as his model. He knew nothing about the common people of Ancient Rome. Mind you, we don't know much about either ourselves--for all we know, his portrayal may be accurate for either.

What was the biggest tragedy in Shakespeare's life?

Nowadays, people consider the death of an 11-year old boy (as Shakespeare's son Hamnet did in 1596) to be a huge tragedy, but in Shakespeare's time the death of children was a common occurrence. Shakespeare's sister Anne died when she was 8. It was sad, sure, but not a great tragedy.

How many of the 31435 words Shakespeare used do we still use today?

Almost all of the words Shakespeare used are still in common use today. To test this out, take a passage out of one of Shakespeare's plays or sonnets and type it into your word processor. Very few of the words will be marked by the spellchecker and these will mostly be either proper names and unusual contractions of words which are in common use, like e'en for even. The difficulty some people have with Shakespeare's words lies in the fact that most people have a much smaller vocabulary than Shakespeare had. Some people get by with as few as 5000 words, one-sixth of what Shakespeare used, which 5000 include a bunch that Shakespeare did not use. If Shakespeare seems to use a lot of words you don't know it is because you don't know enough words. There is a second difficulty people encounter with Shakespeare's words, which is that he sometimes uses common words with unexpected meanings. Usually these meanings are still there but they are secondary and we don't think about them or know them. So when he has Hamlet talk about "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune", he means sling like a slingshot not something you use to hold a broken arm and fortune meaning luck not fortune meaning a pile of money. Nevertheless all seven words in the quotation are in common use today.

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Was William Shakespeare a myth?

Shakespeare was a real person. We have the records of his baptism, his ownership of property, his marriage, the birth of his children and his burial. You can visit his grave, millions do. Some people try to claim that the real man Shakespeare was not the same person as the playwright Shakespeare, but this doesn't make him a myth.

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What did Rabelais and Shakespeare write in to appeal to common people?

The vernacular. Rabelais wrote in French, Shakespeare in English. In Shakespeare's case, writing in Latin would have been professional suicide, seeing as most of the people who paid to see his plays did not know Latin.

What did rabelais and shakespeare write in to appeal to the common people?

The vernacular. Rabelais wrote in French, Shakespeare in English. In Shakespeare's case, writing in Latin would have been professional suicide, seeing as most of the people who paid to see his plays did not know Latin.

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Did people speak the way they performed in Shakespeare's plays?

The black verse that Shakespeare employed is the most similar to English speech, and Shakespeare also wrote many passages in common prose, especially with common or comic characters. The Elizabethans did use the words, phrases, and sentence structures that Shakespeare presents, and even though Elizabethans went in for puns and wordplay, Shakespeare's dialogue does enhance and embellish this tendency.