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Q: What was philipp lenard atomic model called?
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Who proposed the dynamide model of atoms?

The dynamide model of atoms was proposed by physicist Niels Bohr in 1913. This model described the atom as having a nucleus at its center, with electrons revolving around it in specific energy levels.

What atomic model is sometimes called the miniature solar system?

bhor's atomic model!! i think ;)

What is the current atomic model called?

The Electron Cloud model

How did Thomson's' experiment change Dalton's atomic model?

An atomic model of Dalton doesn't exist; the model of Thomson was called plum pudding model.

What was Crookes atomic model called?

Pogi si maylord

What is the atom model called?

The atom model is called the "Bohr model," named after Niels Bohr who proposed it in 1913. This model describes the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons in specific energy levels or orbits.

What is Rutherford and Marsdens nuclear model?

The Rutherford atomic model contain a central, positive, concentrated mass called atomic nucleus; around the nucleus are moving electrons.

What scientist atomic model was called the plum pudding model or the chocolate chip cookie dough model?

The scientist who proposed the plum pudding model, also known as the chocolate chip cookie dough model, was J.J. Thomson. In this model, electrons were embedded in a positively charged sphere, much like raisins in a plum pudding or chocolate chips in cookie dough.

What is the concentration of positive charge and mass in Rutherford's atomic model called?


What is the plum pudding model different from the nuclear model?

No, the only sub-atomic particle in this atomic model was the electron (at the time called the "corpuscle"). This particle was assumed to be in a positive "gel" like a nut within a pudding.

How does the atomic model we use today differ from Bohr's model?

The atomic model used today, known as the quantum mechanical model, incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics including the concept of electron clouds and probability distributions of electron locations, while Bohr's model focused on specific orbits for electrons. The quantum mechanical model provides a more accurate description of electron behavior and allows for a better understanding of the complexities of atomic structure.

Why is the current atomic model called the electron cloud model?

The current atomic model is called the electron cloud model because it describes electrons not as particles located at specific positions, but as existing within a cloud-like region around the nucleus, where they are most likely to be found. This model acknowledges the dual wave-particle nature of electrons and provides a more accurate representation of their behavior in an atom.