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well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

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Brandy Ortiz

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Q: What was significant about the joining of two kingdoms under narmer?
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What was the first historical document that came out of Egypt?

Narmer's Palette which is believed to depict the unification of upper or lower Egypt under king narmer.

Which of the three kingdoms of Korea was able to unify the entire peninsula under its control?

Silla in 676 CE.

Which ruler can be regarded as the founder of Hellenistic culture?

The Hellenstic world was made up of the kingdoms which were carved out of Alexander the Great's empire by his generals after he died. The main ones of these which endured were Egypt under Ptolemy and his successors, Syria-Mesopotamia under Seleucis and his successors, and Pergamon under Attalus and his successors, each of whom established Hellenistic (Greek-style) culture amongst the upper classes of their kingdoms.

Who united the upper and lower kingdoms of Egypt?

Original Answer Provided: "Menes is the King who united Upper and Lower Egypt" REVISED ANSWER: Whilst it can be 'suggested' that Menes was responsible for the uniting of Upper and Lower Egypt, the serious lack of archaeological evidence to support Menes even existing as a living entity in his own right, and under that specific name, means it is not entirely accurate to state him as even a Pharaoh let alone a king responsible for the unification of Egypt. The argument and debate around Menes and his existence is to whom he relates. Most Egyptologists and historians alike would have it that Menes is one and the same with Narmer (originally thought to be King of Upper Egypt and who leads the strongest claim to being responsible for the unification). Research into Narmer provides strong links between him and Menes, and some of the greatest Egyptologists of the last few centuries, such as Flinders Petrie were convinced they were one and the same. (However some suggest, due to archaeological finds (and stories relating to both characters that are closely matched); that Hor-Aha (son of Narmer) is actually Menes.) When you look into this deeper, you discover that is likely that Menes, King Scorpion, and Narmer could potentially all be the same person. It is further suggested that Menes is the collective name for Ka, Scorpion and Narmer. Failing that, it is quite possible that Menes is a simply a mythical or semi-mythical character. Whilst the Egypt Historian Manetho has mentioned Menes, and credited him as the first ruler of Egypt, receiving the honour directly from the God Horus, his name does not appear on the Palermo Stone, and it is only much later in Egyptian periods that the name really begins to be associated with the early ruling of the civilization. So to the original question posted - Given the stronger archaeological discoveries relating to Narmer over 'Menes' I believe the answer should be Narmer (archaeological discoveries have shown depictions of Narmer wearing the pschent, a crown with two halves representing the 'two lands' of Egypt - in particular the Narmer Palette). Though there could be an argument that potentially his son Hor-Aha played a part (which is possible given that the unification would likely have occurred gradually over many years rather than in a singular event); though the debate will no doubt rage on for many years to come.

What is Majapahit empire famous for?

Unify kingdoms in South East Asia (including present day Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Brunei, and East Timor) under one empire.

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What was the significant about the joining of the kingdoms under narmer?

well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

What was significant of the joining of the two kingdoms under Narmer?

well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

What significant about the joining of the Two kingdoms under Narmer?

well because king narmer united the lower and upper egypet

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