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Q: What was the associate institution that came into existence before caricom?
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What is also known as a CD from economics?

Certificate of Deposit, a deposit at a financial institution that offers a higher interest rate than their usual accounts but requiring a commitment of a defined period of time. Withdrawal before this time is complete will impose a penalty. Thus a CD is a nonliquid investment.

When did the economy emerge as a social institution distinct from the family?

The economy first became a distinct social institution when people started farming. Hunter gatherers would try to steal crops. Farmers needed a defense force. They needed to store their food for the dry periods. Someone needed to coordinate everything. Someone directed the religious needs. Not everyone farmed. Some specialized in other areas such as making pots or clothing or tools. Some built buildings. Before agriculture some hunter gathers specialized, but they bartered. They did not have distinct social institutions.

What was one of the most critical areas of economic weakness in the USSR during its entire history?

During its existence, the USSR's greatest economic weakness was its agriculture. Oddly enough, before the 1917 revolutions Russia had been one of the two largest exporters of grain in the world. From the early 1970's however, the USSR had to import tens of millions of wheat and corn.

Is preamble important?

Before running- Yes Before committing a crime- Useful Before a long written piece containing many ideas - Essential

What is the formula for perfectly elastic collision?

Total momentum before = total momentum afterTotal kinetic energy before = total kinetic energy afterSum of x-components of velocity before = sum of x-components of velocity after.Sum of y-components of velocity before = sum of y-components of velocity after.Sum of z-components of velocity before = sum of z-components of velocity after.

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Difference between a full member and an associate member of caricom?

Spouses holding a flat on joint names are both bona fide members of a cooperative housing society or not? Some are confusing the rights of the co-owner as associate member and want him/her to become one before becoming an office bearer in the managing committee.Pls. clarify.

Is an associate's degree needed before a master's degree?

Yes an Associate and bachelors come before your Masters degree.

Do you place an apostrophe after associate's degree?

No, the correct way to write it is "associate's degree" with an apostrophe before the "s."

The institution of engineers India is approved by AICTE or not?

The AICTE gives accreditation to only to the academic institutions that offer engineering and management degrees in India. The Institution of Engineers (India) is a professional institution which qualifies its members based on their professional experience. It also offers a professional qualification AMIE (Associate Member of Institution of Engineers) which is equivalent to an engineering degree and is accepted my the Government of India. electropathy(electro-homeopathy) medicine is recog. by govt of India for promotion,devlopment and research only. for more dtail:

Is the name of the institution written before notice?

Yes, typically the name of the institution is written before the notice in formal communication. This helps to identify the sender and adds professionalism to the notice.

What has the author Humphrey A Regis written?

Humphrey A. Regis has written: 'Africans before CARICOM' -- subject(s): Civilization, Ethnic identity, Africans, Blacks, Race identity

What evidence is there for before life existence?

=no if they did we would know=

Do you need an associate degree in business management before you can get a bachelor degree in it?


Do you need an associate's degree before you can try getting a BA or MA?

You do not need an associate degree before you get a bachelor of arts degree. However, you need a BA to plus excellent grades to get into a mater of arts program.

What are 5 questions to ask your institution before investing?

kurtis lincoln

Do you have to have the prerequisites before you can enter into the nursing program?

It varies depending on the institution.

Who predicted neutrons 12 years before their existence?

Nobody did. Neutrons have always existed. Earnest Rutherford suggest neutrons might exist about 11 years before their existence was proven.