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The Lunar Module was named Eagle and the Command Module was named Colombia

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The command module on Apollo 11 was named "Columbia," while the lunar module was named "Eagle."

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What was the name of the Apollo 11 lander?

name of the Apollo 11 lander was chosen by Neil Armstrong. he choose to call it 'Eagle'

What was the name-of the Apollo mission that went to the moon?

Apollo 11

What was the name of Apollo mission that went to the moon?

Apollo 11

What is the name of the pilot of the Apollo 11?

The commander of Apollo 11 was Neil Armstrong, the command pilot of Apollo 11 was Michael Colins. the Lunar module pilot of Apollo 11 was Edwin Aldrin.

What is the name of the third crew member of Apollo 11?

The third crew member of Apollo 11 was Michael Collins. He remained in lunar orbit aboard the Command Module while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon.

What was the name of Apollo 11's landing module?

The name of Apollo 11's landing module was Eagle.

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Apollo 11

What was the name of the Appollo mission that went to the moon?

The Apollo mission that successfully landed astronauts on the moon was Apollo 11, in July 1969.

Why was Apollo 11 called Apollo 11?

Apollo 11 was named after the Apollo program, which aimed to land a person on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. The number 11 designates that it was the eleventh mission in the Apollo program's series of lunar missions.

What was the name of the Apollo 11 Command Module?

The Apollo 11 Command Module was named "Columbia."

What was the name of Neil Armstrong's spacecraft?

When he landed on the moon, the name of command module was the Columbia. The name of the lunar module was the Eagle. His other spacecraft have included the Gemini 8 and Gemini 11.appolo 11Apollo 11