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When Ben and Madec were skipping along in the forest and found two boy fairies "getting it on" together

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Q: What was the climax of deathwatch by robb white?
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What is the climax of the book deathwatch by robb white?

The climax of "Deathwatch" by Robb White occurs when Ben goes head-to-head with Madec in a final confrontation, leading to a thrilling and intense struggle for survival in the desert. The climax reveals the true nature of both characters as they face off in a life-or-death battle.

What is the plot of the book deathwatch by robb white?

the fight between good and evil

What is the genre in the book deathwatch?

The genre of the book "Deathwatch" by Robb White is typically classified as a suspenseful thriller or survival fiction. It follows the story of a man who is hunted in the desert and must fight for his life against nature and human adversaries.

Where can you read deathwatch by robb white free online?

You can't read "Deathwatch" by Robb White for free legally online as it is a copyrighted book. You can try checking your local library for a physical or digital copy, or purchase a copy from a bookstore or online retailer.

In Deathwatch by Robb White what is Madec's last name?

In the novel "Deathwatch" by Robb White, Madec's last name is Kessel.

What are all the metaphors in deathwatch by robb white?

"Deathwatch" by Robb White contains several metaphors that evoke themes of survival, morality, and the struggle between good and evil. Some examples include the metaphor of the desert as a harsh and unforgiving prison, the scorpion as a symbol of danger and treachery, and the sun as a relentless force that exposes the characters' inner truths.

What was the name of the book about a man named Ben who is left by another man to die in the desert?

The name of this book is Deathwatch. It was written by Robb White and published in 1972.

Who are the main characters in the novel Deathwatch?

The main characters in the novel "Deathwatch" by Robb White are Ben, the protagonist who is a guide, Madec, the wealthy businessman who hires Ben, and Horn, a man injured by Madec who becomes the central focus of the story.

In the book Deathwatch by Robb White does Madec get killed?

No, Madec does not get killed in the book "Deathwatch" by Robb White. The story revolves around a man named Ben who is left to survive in the desert by Madec after a hunting accident. The novel explores themes of survival and human nature.

How many pages are in the book deathwatch?

"Deathwatch" by Robb White typically has around 220 pages. Please note that page numbers can vary based on the edition or publisher of the book.

What is the summary of chapter 6 in deathwatch?

In Chapter 6 of "Deathwatch" by Robb White, the protagonist, Ben, finds himself facing increasing danger and tension as he navigates the challenges of surviving in the desert. He must outwit and outmaneuver his dangerous adversary, Madec, in a deadly game of cat and mouse. The chapter highlights Ben's resourcefulness and determination as he struggles to stay alive in the harsh environment.

When was Robb White born?

Robb White was born on 1909-06-20.