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That was the VersaClimber!

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Q: What was the exercise machine called that Julia Robert's husband used in Sleeping With The Enemy?
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Related questions

How fun is this machine to exercise on?

The amount of fun to be had on any exercise machine is dependent upon your definition of fun. If you think a rigorous exercise is fun, then sure this exercise on this machine could be considered fun.

Can you sleep in a vending machine?

Vending Machine is not for sleeping you cannot sleep in a vending machine.

Are there any downsides to an elliptical exercise machine?

There are some negatives to an elliptical exercise machine like the potential for injury. With a good exercise regime and proper safety precautions there should be very little risk involved with an elliptical exercise machine.

Is the Gazelle exercise machine made by Tony Little?

Yes, the Gazelle exercise machine made by Tony Little. It is very cheap price but you can get a very good exercise machine for your health. You can find them online.

What kind of exercise machine did Marty exercise on at the Zoo in the movie 'Madagascar'?


Is any sewing machine good with sleeping bag mending?

Steam Fast SP-402 Quickstitch Sewing Machine can be used to mend sleeping bags.

Which is the most appropriate exercise machine that I can purchase for home use?

The most appropriate and most common exercise machine for home use is treadmill.

What exercise starts with N?

· Nautilus machine · Nordic Track elliptical machine

What is the exercise machine that you run on the same spot?

It is called an elliptical machine or exerciser.

What word describes a sleeping bull and a large machine?

A bulldozer!

What is the exercise machine that people run on?


How many minutes of exercise do you need to do to burn off seventy one calories?

Really it depends on how strenuous the exercise is. Say you are on a running machine it would take about 30-40 Minuit's, also it depends on you metabolism. Burning of calories is very variable, but sleeping burns of lots more calorie per hour than, say, a runnng machine ever could. I hope this answer came of use.