

What was the first telescope?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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The first telescope didn't look exactly like the ones that we see today, but it was improved though by the famous astronomer Galileo. The first one is said to have been made about 500 years ago.

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14y ago

The first telescopes were probably used by the military for watching the maneuvers of enemy troops and ships. It was not until the 17th century that telescopes with sufficient magnification for astronomical work were developed.

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14y ago

The earliest telescopes, which were constructed of two lenses in a long hollow tube, are called _______ telescopes.

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Hans Lippershey was credited in inventing the very first telescope. Galileo did NOT invent the telescope.

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Did Einstein create the first telescope?

No. The first telescopes were made by Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen in 1608. Galileo improved their design and made the first astronomical telescope by 1609. In 1611 Kepler improved the telescope further and in 1616 Zucchi designed the first reflecting telescope. The first radio telescope was made by Reber in 1937. So, as you can see the first telescope was made several hundred years before Einstein.

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The first person to view Mars with a telescope was Gallileo.

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Galileo first used a telescope to observe the sky.

Who invented the smallest telescope?

unfortanently newtan made the first telescope