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No. Belshazzar, his son, became king when God wrote the message on the wall. The message said: MENE (mai-nai), MENE, TEKEL (tai-kel), UPHARSIN (ue-fair-sin).

MENE means 'numbered',

TEKEL means 'weighed',

UPHARSIN means 'divided'.

So MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN means 'numbered, numbered, weighed, divided.' That night, Belshazzar with beheaded by the Medes, as Daniel predicted, and Darius the king of the Medes became king over the Babylonians and Jews. After he was beheaded and his head with put on a spear so were his advisors and head servants, both stewards and maids, but the princes and magus (magicians) and ministers remained alive. Later they are put in the lions' den with their children and wives.

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Q: What was the hand writing on the wall nebuchadnezzar saw?
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Who interprets the writing that appears on the palace wall in the story of Belshazzar?

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In the book of Daniel, King Belshazzar of Babylon

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Word written on the wall Daniel bible?

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