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Q: What was the impact of political machines on US cities in the late 19 and early 20 centuries?
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Urbanization in political science refers to the process of population growth and economic development in urban areas, leading to social and political changes. It can impact governance, public policy, and political behavior as more people concentrate in cities. Urbanization often raises issues related to infrastructure, resource allocation, social inequality, and political representation.

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The Enlightenment had a significant impact on societies during the 17th and 18th centuries by promoting ideas of reason, individualism, and skepticism towards traditional authority. This led to advancements in science, philosophy, and political thought, as well as challenges to social inequalities and injustices. The Enlightenment also contributed to the rise of democratic ideals and movements for political and social reform.

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How did progressive reform impact the operation and structure of city government?

Reformers went after political machines and corrupt bosses. They were opposed to monopolies of city government services. They sought city managers and wanted the public to own utilities.

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The Amazon Basin, specifically the state of Amazonas in Brazil, had the greatest impact in rubber production during the rubber boom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The cities of Manaus and Belém were key centers for processing and exporting rubber during this period.

What happened to the city after the war?

There have been many wars throughout the centuries. During most wars, surrounding cities feel a negative impact from the war. This includes loss of jobs, lack of goods, and deaths.

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