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The injuries were never stated in the story and were never significant in the plot. All we know is that Montresor wanted revenge on Fortunato for an unknown reason.

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In Edgar Allan Poe's short story "The Cask of Amontillado," the injuries inflicted by Montresor on Fortunato were primarily psychological and emotional. Montresor lured Fortunato into the catacombs under the pretense of tasting wine, then proceeded to chain him to a wall and wall him up alive, leading to Fortunato's eventual death.

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Q: What was the injuries against Montresor?
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What is the main character seeking in The Cask of Amontillado?

The main character, Montresor, seeks revenge against Fortunato for an insult. He lures Fortunato into his family catacombs under the guise of tasting a rare wine called Amontillado, ultimately trapping and murdering him.

When did the narrator Montresor vow revenge?

In the very first line of the story, Montresor says: "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge." So the answer is Montresor vows revenge in the first line of the story, but only after Fortunato has already committed a thousand injuries but now has also insulted Montresor. This is significant because it creates some doubt as to the sanity of the narrator, Montresor. He vows revenge not after a thousand "injuries," but only when Fortunato adds insult as well. It is as if the more trivial of the two, injury and insult, has become the most important.

What is the Inciting Cause in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

The inciting cause in "The Cask of Amontillado" is when Montresor reveals that he has been insulted by Fortunato but has been patient in seeking his revenge. This revelation sets the events of the story in motion, leading Montresor to plot and carry out the murder of Fortunato.

What hints does the story provide as to the thousand injuries that fortunato has inflicted on montresor?

The story mentions that Fortunato frequently insults Montresor, causing him to feel humiliated and seek revenge. Additionally, Fortunato's betrayal and disrespect towards Montresor may have contributed to the deep-seated grudge that Montresor carries against him. Overall, the story implies that Fortunato's actions of belittling and mistreating Montresor over a long period of time are the thousand injuries alluded to in the narrative.

Did Fortunato deserve his fate in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

No. First of all the "thousand injuries" and then the insult, which Montresor claims he has suffered from Fortunato probably never even happened, because Montresor gives no details of them and Fortunato is very friendly toward Montresor throughout the story. Even if Fortunato had insulted Montresor, that would be be no reason justifying Fortunato's murder.

Why is Montresor seeking revenge against Fortunato in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

because he insulted himAccording to Montresor in his opening line: THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.Fortunato was vain and one night he got drunk and apparently shamed Montresor's family name.

What are fortunatos crime against montresor?

Fortunato's crime against Montresor is not explicitly stated in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado." However, it is suggested that Fortunato may have insulted or wronged Montresor in some way, prompting Montresor's desire for revenge.

What did Montresor put against the new masonry?

Montresor puts a large pile of bones against the new masonry in "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe.

What is the external conflict in The Cask of Amontillado?

The external conflict in "The Cask of Amontillado" is between the main characters, Montresor and Fortunato. Montresor seeks revenge on Fortunato for a perceived insult, leading to a tense and suspenseful showdown between the two characters as Montresor lures Fortunato into the catacombs to carry out his plan.

Did Fortunato insult Montresor in 'The Cask of Amontillado'?

Yes, in "The Cask of Amontillado," Fortunato insulted Montresor by calling him a fool and questioning his knowledge of wine. This insult serves as motivation for Montresor's revenge against Fortunato.

Why does Montresor want to kill Fortunato and is there any hint that Montresor might be insane?

In the opening line, Montresor states that he has suffered a thousand injuries at the hand of Fortunato but now Fortunato has also insulted him and this is too much to take, so Montresor plots revenge. There is an indication that Montresor is insane because there is doubt that Fortunato has ever injured or insulted Montresor at all. Montresor does not describe a single incident of injury nor does he describe the insult that supposedly has pushed him over the edge. Why would Montresor suffer a thousand injuries but plot revenge after only an insult? Aren't injuries more serious than insults? Wouldn't sticks and stones break Montresor's bones but words can never hurt him? Why plan to murder someone after an insult but not after all those injuries? Later when they meet at the carnival, Fortunato is very friendly toward Montresor. He hardly acts toward Montresor like he has injured him a thousand times and has just recently insulted him. Wouldn't Fortunato have said something to Montresor about the insult or about all those injuries he has laid on him in the past? Darn right, he would have, but he doesn't. Fortunato acts like they are the best of friends. Not only does Fortunato act friendly, but then volunteers to leave the carnival to go with Montresor to his home to test the Amontillado. Sure, Fortunato's vanity in being a connoisseur is part of that willingness, but surely, he would not have been so cheerful in doing Montresor such a favor. Finally, Fortunato, this supposed enemy of Montreesor goes down into Montresor's cellar without the slightest bit of trepidation about being all alone in the dark cellar with someone he has supposedly injured and insulted. Fortunato's action completely belie the idea that he is an enemy of Montresor. The one conclusion the reader can draw from the contradiction between Montresor's words and Fortunato's actions is that the injuries and insults Montresor mentioned are all in his head and that he is quite insane.

How many injuries has the narrator permitted from Fortunato?

The narrator says he has permitted a "thousand injuries" from Fortunato, but as the story develops, the reader wonders if those are all in his head. When the narrator meets Fortunato at the carnival, Fortunato is nothing but pleasant and helpful. All the time he is with Montresor he suspects nothing evil at all. The complete absence of animosity and fear of Montresor is hardly consistent with someone who has committed a thousand injuries against that person.