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Q: What was the men called that crashed twin towers?
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Did the men who destroyed the Twin Towers go to jail yet?

The 19 actual hijackers died when the planes crashed and Osama Bin Laden is still in hiding.

Who are the men who did this to the Twin Towers?

Bad people. Terrorists. Nobody knows their names because they died when they slammed the planes into the twin towers.

Are the men who destroyed the Twin Towers in jail yet?

Osama Bin Laden is still in hiding either in Afghaniztan or in the mountains of Pakistan. The 19 actual participants in the hijacing were all killed when their planes crashed.

What were the names of the people that flew the planes into the twin towers?

packi men

What is the 9 11?

On September 11, 2001 - hence " 9 11"- 4 American airliners were highjacked by nineteen armed men. Two were deliberately crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, and a third into the Pentagon. The WTC towers were destroyed totally, with great loss of life.

What made the people crash in the twin towers?

The aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Center towers did so not because of an accident, but a deliberate act. The men that hijacked the aircraft wanted to kill as many people as they could, and do as much damage to the US as they could. A simple answer- they believed people in the US are evil.

In what year did 9 11 happen?

9/11 happened on September 11 2001. Terrorists hijacked 4 airplanes and crashed 1 into each of the world trade centers (twin towers), 1 crashed into the pentagon, and 1 was going to crash into either the White House or the Capitol Building (its target was never confirmed) but brave men fought the terrorists and crashed into a nearby woods in PA.

Why did flight eleven crash into the twin towers?

coz osama binlarden said the muslim god to him to send men to do it

Who were the two men that were in the plains that attacked the twin towers?

There were more than two men in the airplanes. About three to five hijacked each plane, including the ones that crashed into the Pentagon and the small field in Pennsylvania. Some of the names of the hijackers were Khalid al-Mihdhar, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Hani Hanjour, and Ziad Jarrah. 15 out of the 19 terrorists on that day were citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Who was the person that destroy the twin towers?

His name was Osama Bin Laden and him and his group of men known as Al- Qaeda destroyed the Twin Towers on September 11th, 2001. Osama Bin Laden is dead though he was killed by American forces in Pakistan on May, 2nd, 2011. Hoped that helped!!

How come the Iraq people destroyed the twin towers?

Actually Iraq didn't destroy the twin towers. It was a group of Saudi Arabians and the reason they did is because the Christians attacked the Muslims in the Crusades and they still remember that, and they punish us for it. I know it's dumb but true. Also, when they attacked the towers they said "It is Gods will" and when the Christian Crusaders attacked the Muslims they said that "God wills it". Another sad thing is that on 11th of September 2009 people in Palestine and the Middle East danced and celebrated at the sucess of the idiots that dared to destroy a part of New York City!

Who attacked the WTC?

Al Qaeda terrorists who hijacked commercial aircraft selected to insure maximum fuel loads and crashed them into the Twin Towers. They were acting directly under the leadership of Osama bin Laden.The men who hijacked the planes came mainly from Saudi Arabia and Egypt; they were sent by Osama Bin Laden, and under the command of Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden's organization which caused a number of terrorist attacks.