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He wandered through the woods, seeking shelter and food.

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Jeramy Denesik

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He wandered through the woods, seeking shelter and food.

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the monster was shot and ran off after he

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Q: What was the monster doing during his two-year desperation from Frankenstein?
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What does the narrator have in common with Victor Frankenstein?

Hammond and Frankenstein both attempt to play God and create a living being(s). Frankenstein reanimates a corpse and Hammond recreates dinosaurs, two things that were once dead. In both cases, something goes wrong. The dinosaurs escape from their pens and fences and terrorize those on the island while Frankenstein's creation ends up a killer (though unintentionally) and the townspeople hunt it down before it kills anyone else. Neither John nor Victor wants their creations to be killed if they can prevent it. Oh, and the monster-creation scene in Frankenstein (1931) happens during a storm, much like the Tyrannosaurus break-out scene in Jurassic Park (1993).

Who is Albert Frankenstein?

Frankenstein is a horror novel written by Mary Shelly in 1818. The story follows the tales of three characters' point of view in an introverted fashion, similar to a matryoshka doll.The novel opens with Captain Robert Walton, who is on an expedition sailing north, writing to his sister Margaret (who is intended to be the audience reading the novel) about his journeys and finding Victor Frankenstein, who Walton rescues from certain death.Frankenstein proceeds to recall his life story to Walton, who relays it to his sister in the form of letters. In his tale, Frankenstein tells of his creating a terrible monster, known simply as "the creature" among other things but is never given a proper name. It is a common misconception that "Frankenstein" is the name of the monster, but this is false as Frankenstein is the scientist who creates the monster.Frankenstein then continues to recall the creature catching up to him and telling him its own life story, which Frankenstein relays to Walton, who again relays it to Margaret. The overall novel both opens and closes with Captain Walton.At the age of 17, the novel Frankenstein was actually written by Shelly as part of a friend's challenge to create horror stories to pass the time during a rain-in at a vacation home. Shelly would later claim that the actual idea of the story and the monster came to her in a dream in which she awoke and beheld in terror the creature of Frankenstein at her bedside.Frankenstein is an important work of literature that is considered to be one of the earliest works of science fiction. The book has had considerable influence in the creation of horror films with over 50 films and other screenworks having been inspired by the tragic story of Victor Frankenstein and his creature. Frankenstein is also an early opponent of scientific advancement, warning against the negative consequences hasty advances in science can bring forth.The novel is considered to be one of the greatest works of literature in the English language. As a result, Frankenstein is often a required literary reading in many secondary educations.

Where did Frankenstein go to seek relief after the trial and its conclusion?

Victor Frankenstein was deeply in grief over the death of Justine. He finally found peace in Chamounix, a place he had enjoyed during his childhood.

During his years of studying dead bodies Frankenstein suddenly discovers the secret of?

How to give life to lifeless matter.

How did Frankenstein's journal get into the creatures hands?

The Creature took a coat of Victor's during the night, and he discovered the journal when he looked into the pocket.

Related questions

What was Frankenstein doing during his two year separation from the monster?

He wandered through the woods, seeking shelter and food.

What was Frankenstein doing during the two year separation from the monster?

He wandered through the woods, seeking shelter and food.

What is a Halloween monster?

a Halloween monster is a creature or something scary that people dress up as during Halloween time. For example, dressing up as Frankenstein or Dracula, they would be considered Halloween monsters.

Who took care of Frankenstein during his illness?

In the book by Mary Shelly, the Frankenstein monster does not die; it dissapears into the arctic and is never seen again.In the movies the monster usually dies in a fire, either started by someone else to kill him, or started accidentally by himself.

How is Frankenstein not the monster?

This answer is from Wikipedia. It's a very good answer & reason why Frankenstein's monster was never really named : Frankenstein's monster (or Frankenstein's creature) is a fictional character that first appeared in Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. In the novel, the creature has no name—a symbol of his parentlessness and lack of human sense of self and identity. He does call himself, when speaking to his creator, Victor Frankenstein, the "Adam of your labours". He is also variously referred to as a "creature," "fiend," "the dæmon," "wretch," "zombie," "devil," "being," and "ogre" in the novel.[1] The monster's namelessness became part of the stage tradition as Mary Shelley's story was adapted into serious and comic plays in London, Paris, and France during the decades after the novel's first appearance. Mary Shelley herself attended a performance of Presumption, the first successful stage adaptation of her novel. "The play bill amused me extremely, for in the list of dramatic personae came, _______ by Mr T. Cooke,” she wrote her friend Leigh Hunt. “This nameless mode of naming the unnameable is rather good.”[2] Into this vacuum, it is understandable that the name of the creator—Frankenstein—would soon be used to name the creation. That mistake was made within the first decade after the novel was published, but it became cast in concrete after the story was popularized in the famous 1930s Universal film series starring Boris Karloff. The film was based largely on a play by Peggy Webling, performed in London in 1927.[3] Curiously, Webling's Frankenstein actually does give his creature his name. The Universal film reverted to the empty cypher, however: the film's credits list the character Karloff plays as a series of question marks. Nevertheless, the creature soon enough became best known in the popular imagination as "Frankenstein".

How does chapter 5 of Frankenstein tell us about 19th century life?

Chapter 5 of "Frankenstein" reflects 19th-century beliefs about the consequences of defying natural order and playing God through Victor Frankenstein's creation of the monster. It also explores themes of isolation and alienation, which were common in the 19th century due to the rapid urbanization and societal changes occurring during that time. The chapter serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked ambition and scientific experimentation in a rapidly changing world.

What does the narrator have in common with Victor Frankenstein?

Hammond and Frankenstein both attempt to play God and create a living being(s). Frankenstein reanimates a corpse and Hammond recreates dinosaurs, two things that were once dead. In both cases, something goes wrong. The dinosaurs escape from their pens and fences and terrorize those on the island while Frankenstein's creation ends up a killer (though unintentionally) and the townspeople hunt it down before it kills anyone else. Neither John nor Victor wants their creations to be killed if they can prevent it. Oh, and the monster-creation scene in Frankenstein (1931) happens during a storm, much like the Tyrannosaurus break-out scene in Jurassic Park (1993).

What secret does Frankenstein discover during his years of devoted study?

The secret to creating life

Who is Albert Frankenstein?

Frankenstein is a horror novel written by Mary Shelly in 1818. The story follows the tales of three characters' point of view in an introverted fashion, similar to a matryoshka doll.The novel opens with Captain Robert Walton, who is on an expedition sailing north, writing to his sister Margaret (who is intended to be the audience reading the novel) about his journeys and finding Victor Frankenstein, who Walton rescues from certain death.Frankenstein proceeds to recall his life story to Walton, who relays it to his sister in the form of letters. In his tale, Frankenstein tells of his creating a terrible monster, known simply as "the creature" among other things but is never given a proper name. It is a common misconception that "Frankenstein" is the name of the monster, but this is false as Frankenstein is the scientist who creates the monster.Frankenstein then continues to recall the creature catching up to him and telling him its own life story, which Frankenstein relays to Walton, who again relays it to Margaret. The overall novel both opens and closes with Captain Walton.At the age of 17, the novel Frankenstein was actually written by Shelly as part of a friend's challenge to create horror stories to pass the time during a rain-in at a vacation home. Shelly would later claim that the actual idea of the story and the monster came to her in a dream in which she awoke and beheld in terror the creature of Frankenstein at her bedside.Frankenstein is an important work of literature that is considered to be one of the earliest works of science fiction. The book has had considerable influence in the creation of horror films with over 50 films and other screenworks having been inspired by the tragic story of Victor Frankenstein and his creature. Frankenstein is also an early opponent of scientific advancement, warning against the negative consequences hasty advances in science can bring forth.The novel is considered to be one of the greatest works of literature in the English language. As a result, Frankenstein is often a required literary reading in many secondary educations.

Nickname that has been given to a very long forward pass often made in desperation during final seconds?

Hail Mary

Where did Mary Shelley come up with the story Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley came up with the story of Frankenstein during a trip to Geneva, Switzerland in 1816. She was inspired by a conversation about galvanism and the occult with her husband Percy Shelley, Lord Byron, and John Polidori, which led her to explore the idea of creating life through scientific means.

In Yu-Gi-Oh can you flip your own monster?

during your next turn after placing a monster you can flip summon it