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Q: What was the most important legacy to Ancient Athens?
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Related questions

What was the main job in ancient Athens?

Trading, fishing, sailing, and many more jobs were important in ancient Athens. Trading was considered the most important, and most people got their "drachmas" from it.

Why were the first four cities important in Ancient Greece?

the most important city in ancient Greece was Athens. anthens

What was the main job in Athens?

Trading, fishing, sailing, and many more jobs were important in ancient Athens. Trading was considered the most important, and most people got their "drachmas" from it.

Which gods were important to ancient Athens?

Athena was the most important, she was Athens patron Goddess. Poisdeon was quite important as well, seeing as he and Athena both wanted Athens, she obviously won.

Was Athens the most important city in ancient Greece?

No, although a vast majority lived there.

What was the role of ancient greek women?

Most important at Sparta compared to Athens and other cities.

Why is Atlanta Athens important?

Atlanta is an ancient legend that may have been or not real. Archeologists are looking for evidence of Atlanta. Athens was the most powerful ancient city that provided the foundation of democracy.

What is the purpose of agora?

The Agora, the marketplace and civic center, was one of the most important parts of an ancient city of Athens.

Who were Athens of ancient Greece?

Athens was the most important city in Ancient Greece. It's one of the oldest cities in the world. On top of its Acropolis stands till today Parthenon, a key landmark for the European Civilization.

What were the two most famous city - state of ancient Greece?

The most famous and powerful of all the city states of ancient Greece were Sparta and Athens.

Why is Dionysus important in my school's theater?

He was the god honored by some of ancient Athens' most famous and influential dramatic contests.

When did Athens ended?

Athens is still there so hasn't ended. Unfortunately, like most places that were founded during ancient times, they are not the centre of the universe ,as they were then, but Athens is the capital of Greece, and all its important buildings are there, just as in ancient times...the ruins of the past are a sight to see, I have been and soaked up the past.