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The answer is Taille or Land Tax

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Q: What was the name of tax which was directly paid to the state of the third estate?
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Can you transfer a property that is willed to you in NY State without putting property in your name?

You may be able to have the executor transfer the property directly from the estate with your consent. You should speak with the attorney who is handling the estate.You may be able to have the executor transfer the property directly from the estate with your consent. You should speak with the attorney who is handling the estate.You may be able to have the executor transfer the property directly from the estate with your consent. You should speak with the attorney who is handling the estate.You may be able to have the executor transfer the property directly from the estate with your consent. You should speak with the attorney who is handling the estate.

What estate in France would break away from the Estates-General?

the third estate. after their separation they name themselves as 'national assembly'

The name of the work of Abbe Sieyes was?

He was the author of the 1789 pamphlet "What is the Third Estate". He was a Catholic priest and political writer who became a delegate to the Estates General representing Paris and the Third Estate.

Name the three classes in France prior to the French Revolution?

The first estate was of the clergy. The second was of the nobility, and the third was everyone else: peasants, merchants, lawyers, industrial workers, artisans,

What did the third estate declared themselves to be in 1789?

The third estate in French history, directly related to the Estates-General, was anyone who did not belong in the first two estates. Typically this meant the lay commonality. This would not include clergy, tenants of the church, or nobility, either by the sword or by the robe.

What was the name of the group that ruled in France after the Reign of Terror?

The third estate. :)

Least powerful social class before the revolution?

The Third EstateThe estates were any social class in France before revolution1rs Estate: Clergy2nd Estate: Nobles3rd Estate: The Rest of the people (Bourgeoisie, workers & peasants)The Third Estate create the "National Assembly" to pass laws in the name of french peopleHope it help(:

What governing body did the Third Estate create to pass laws in the name of the French people?

The National Assembly

What did the third estate change their name to?

the estates generalThey created the National Assembly.

Who was part of the National Assembly?

Denomination proposed by Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès in 1789 and adopted by an assembly from the third estate, a few nobles and clercs. Then it changed name several times, when the country swapped constitutions.

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