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yes i didn't read the quetion

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Q: What was the name of the first Mexican American women to serve treasurer of the US?
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Who was the first hispanic woman to serve as US treasurer?

doris haddock

Why Washington for the ffa treasurer?

because he was the first president and he was able to serve his country because he was financially independent

Why is barbra Jordan so important?

Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve as a Texas syate senate. Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve as a Texas syate senate. Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve as a Texas syate senate. Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve as a Texas syate senate. Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve as a Texas syate senate. Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve as a Texas syate senate. Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve as a Texas syate senate. Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve as a Texas syate senate.

Who was the first African American to serve as US secretery of state?

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What branch of government is the treasurer part of?

The treasurer is typically part of the executive branch of government. They are responsible for managing and overseeing the finances and accounting of the government or organization they serve.

What is the term length for Maine's state treasurer?

According to the Maine Constitution, the state treasurer is elected by a joint vote of the house and senate to a two year term. A treasurer can serve up to four two-year terms, for a total of 8 years.

Who is the first African American to surve in the superme court?

The first African American to serve on the Supreme Court was Thurgood Marshall.

Who was the first African American woman to serve as the secretary of state?

Condoleezza Rice was the first African American woman to be Secretary of State.

What motivated St. Ignatius to serve as a page?

Basically, it was his father's decision. At the age of sixteen years he was sent to serve as a page to Juan Velazquez, the treasurer of the kingdom of Castile.

When did Franklin Pierce serve in the Mexican American war?

He served in the army from May 1846 until 1848. He began as a colonel but was soon promoted to brigadier general ..

Who was the first African American Woman to serve in president's cabinet?

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