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Q: What was the name of the pain killer that paul spangler gave to the people with the worse cases?
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Yes. Just like other strains of flu, some people get very mild cases and others get it worse.

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some cases easier, some cases harder.

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Neither is worse. Gay people are exactly equal to straight people.

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There would be many people that would expect the quality of the environment to be worse. This is because some people are pessimistic.

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Jack is more famous. He reached media in a metropolitan area making him the first known serial killer. His fame reached all over the globe. Not having been caught, his fame was carried throught generations. Today people still follow the media, books and websites to hear or read new ripper news. BTK and the zodiac killed more people than the ripper did. The zodiac killer as a serial killer was better or worse than Jack the ripper even in the times when technology makes it easier to trap a killer.

How do you use the word worse in a sentence?

The manners of people requesting help are getting worse.

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It is neither better nor worse. There are simply cases where you would want to use protected access, in other cases private access, in other cases public access.

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in somes cases yes. it depends on the person.

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people in Bangladesh make floods worse by building less structured homes and putting rubbish in gutters .