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The Stuarts

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Q: What was the name of the scottish family who replaced the tudors?
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What Scottish clan does the name rane belong?

None. It is not listed as a Scottish clan or sept (a family affiliated with a Scottish clan) family name. I do find the name "Rane" as a clan/family name in India among the Maratha caste in Maharashtra state.

Who started the name Tudors?

Its their family name or last name like Hannah Smith or Ned Jones Henry Tudor

What did poor Tudors work as?

There were no poor Tudors, the Tudors were the name of the Royal family of England at that time in history. The poor people were called the English.At at that time about 80% of the English people were farmers, or worked in Agriculture in some way.

Tudors family name?

Their family name was Tudor. Mary Tudor, Elizabeth Tudor...etc. and that's why we call them the tudors. You can always tell, the Victorians were called that because their Queen was called Victoria. The Elizabethans were called that because their Queen was called Elizabeth. It's quite simple.

Why did they Tudors Tudors?

The Tudors were called Tudors because that was their surname. The first Tudor king's name was Henry Tudor.

Is McDaniel irish or scottish?

The name McDaniel family history indicates that its a popular surname of the Irish and Scottish origin.

What was the name for the royal house or family of Scotland in the early ages?

The Stuarts were a Scottish royal family.

What is the definition of the name neilson?

Generally Scandinavian, mainly swedish, but in this spelling Scottish. My husbands last name is Neilson and his family is Scottish with some Swedish history.

Was Mackenzie a name used in the medieval times?

No it is a Scottish family name from after the medieval period; as a first name it is extremely modern.

What is another name for a scottish family?

A group of families with the same surname is called a clan.

What is Ryan ross decent?

The Ross family name is Scottish so that would be the best guess.

What was Henry VI's family name?

Henry VI's family name was Lancaster. He was a member of the House of Lancaster, which was one of the two rival branches of the Plantagenet dynasty that vied for control of the English throne during the Wars of the Roses.