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What was the purpose of the Electoral College when the Framers wrote the Constitution?

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Q: What was the purpose of the Electoral College when the Framers wrote the Constitution?
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Which best describes the purpose of the Electoral College in the US?

"The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens."

Purpose of the Electoral College in Presidential Elections?

The purpose of the Electoral College is to vote for the president.

Why did the Framers of the Constitution not want to have the President selected by Congress?

They wanted the President to be elected by the people of the United States. In a compromise (Remember, the Constitution is a bundle of compromises), they Founding Fathers decided to have an "Electoral College," a group of common civilians who's sole purpose for being elected is to go and elect the President. Of course, in this day and age, with technology making a popular vote of the President much more practical, many people advocate the abolishment of the Electoral College. They argue that the popular vote should elect the President, rather than the people who elect the President.

What was the purpose of the Framers including a system of checks and balances in the constitution?

to prevent autocracy and majority tyranny

What is the purpose of the electoral college?

The purpose of the electoral college is to elect the president and vice-president of the United States. It is made up of the electors from each state. They do not actually meet as a body, but send their votes to the President of the Senate.

What is the term for representative officials who pledge to vite for a specific candiate in their states electoral college?

They are called electors and as a group they form the electoral college.

What has most dramatically reshaped the electoral college from it's intended purpose out of the political parties the cabinet the senate or the court decisions?

Court decisions have had the most dramatic impact on reshaping the Electoral College from its intended purpose. One significant decision was the Supreme Court's ruling in the case of Bush v. Gore in 2000, which ultimately decided the outcome of the presidential election. This decision solidified the notion that the Electoral College, rather than the popular vote, determines the winner of the presidency, thus further shaping the role and influence of the Electoral College in contemporary elections.

The preamble states the purpose of what?

to guide the people in the right direction, so they could form a better union!The purpose was to guide others in life.The purpose of the preamble is to give a introduction to the us constitutionit's to explain the goals of the Constitution

What is the main purpose of federalism and why did the framers of the constitution adopt it?

because fedralism gives power not only to the national govermnt but to the state government too.

How is the total of 538 Electoral College votes determined What is the purpose of the popular vote in the Electoral College system?

The total of 538 Electoral College votes is determined by allocating 435 votes to the House of Representatives (each state receives a minimum of one), 100 votes to the Senate (two per state), and three votes to the District of Columbia. The purpose of the popular vote in the Electoral College system is to determine the outcome of the presidential election in each state. The candidate who wins the popular vote in a state typically receives all of that state's electoral votes.

Who is elected by electoral college including MPs and MLAs?

In the context of India, the President is elected by an Electoral College that consists of members of both houses of Parliament (Members of Parliament or MPs) and members of the state legislative assemblies (Members of Legislative Assemblies or MLAs). This Electoral College is formed for the purpose of electing the President of India.

Branch of government is chosen indirectly through the electoral college?

The electoral college serves only one purpose and that is to elect the president and vice president every four years. The president is, of course, the head of the executive branch of the US government.