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Q: What was the purpose of these measures?
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The purpose of agreeing quality measures and timescales with a team is to have a goal for that team. The benefit is the team has a goal to shoot for. They know the basic time frame they need to meet and how they need to meet it.

What does validity mean in childcare?

Validity- measures what it intends or claims to measure - i.e fit for its purpose

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The purpose of vein ligation and stripping is to reduce the number and size of varicose veins that cannot be treated or closed by other measures.

What is the purpose of bureau of standards?

The purpose of Bureau of Standard is to ensure that goods are in saleable condition that is all goods are properly packaged,labeled and that thier weight and measures are accurate.

What is the purpose of the bureau of standards?

The purpose of Bureau of Standard is to ensure that goods are in saleable condition that is all goods are properly packaged,labeled and that thier weight and measures are accurate.

What is the practical purpose of carbon footprint?

It measures how much carbon you, or a company, or a school emits or is responsible for. So you are then able to take practical measures to reduce this. In some places large carbon footprints are taxed.