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Q: What was the result of Thomson experiment?
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What experiment did J Thomson do?

He sent a cathode ray between electrically charged metal plates.

What is the birth name of Virgil Thomson?

Virgil Thomson's birth name is Thomson, Virgil Garnett.

When was Katherine Thomson born?

Katherine Thomson was born in 1955.

How did David Thomson become a billionaire?

If you mean David Kenneth Roy Thomson, 3rd Baron Thomson of Fleet- through his families business- Thomson Reuters.

When did Charles M. Thomson die?

James Francis Thomson died in 1973.

Related questions

Who performed an experiment with cathode ray tubes?

J. J. ThomsonJ. J. Thomson did the cathode ray experiment where he discovered the existence of electrons.

Who said that 'atoms are negatively charged particles'?

It's J.J. Thomson He had the plum pudding experiment The answer is Thomson

What experiment j.j Thomson do?

He hit plates with light

How joule Thomson experiment lead to coefficient?

He did nothing

Why was it important for Thomson to repeat his experiment?

Thomson did the experiment various times to observe if the particles behave the same way. How they did he determined they were the same kind later called electrons.

How did the Thomson's experiment change Dalton's atomic model?

Thomson discovered that the atom contained smaller particles called electrons

He conducted the cathode-ray tube experiment?

J.J Thomson conducted the cathode-ray tube experiment in 1911.

Thomson made his discovery about the atom during an experiment using?

Cathode Rays

What is the result of a scientific experiment?

The result of a scientific experiment is the conclusion.

What is the result of an experiment?

The result of an experiment is a

How did Thomson's' experiment change Dalton's atomic model?

An atomic model of Dalton doesn't exist; the model of Thomson was called plum pudding model.

In the Thomson experiment to determine the Specific charge of an electron If the pressure in the discharge tube is made is made as low as nearly zero dose conduction takes place?

In Thomson's experiment the tube used is evacuated i.e. there is vacuum inside.