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persephone will spend two of the seasons with her mother and one with hades in the underworld

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Q: What was the solution for Persephone and Demeter?
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Who is persephone parent?

Persephone's parents are Zeus and Demeter.

Why did Demeter follow Persephone?

Persephone was Demeter's daghter, so when hades kidnapped her, of course Demeter wanted her back. Eventually, the time Persephone spent with Demeter and the time with Hades was divided. When Persephone was with Hades, it was Winter. When she was with Demeter, it was Summer.

Why does Demeter adore Persephone?

Demeter adores Persephone because persephone is her daughter and the official start of spring

Why was Persephone Demeter's favorite daughter?

Because Persephone was Demeter's only daughter

How do you know Demeter adored Persephone?

Because Persephone was Demeter daughter or sister

How did Demeter find Persephone?

Demeter found Persephone with the help of Hecate and Helios.

How did Demeter and Persephone affect the seasons?

Demeter and Persephone were both goddesses of the earth. Gaia (Earth) through her daughter Rhea, who was the mother of Demeter and grandmother of Persephone.

Who is the mom of Persephone?

Demeter is Persephone's mother.

What is the Universal symbolic meaning of 4 reasons From Main Greek Gods and Goddesses and earth goddesses Demeter and Persephone?

Spring (Persephone returns, Demeter allows the Earth to give life) Winter (Persephone as Queen of Underworld/Dead, Demeter mourning) Death (Persephone/Demeter - separating decent) Life (Persephone/Demeter - on Earth)

What was the cause of Persephone and Demeter?

Both Demeter and her daughter Persephone were goddesses of the earth and growing things.

What is the relationship between Demeter and Persephone?

If you are talking about Mythology then Demeter was Persephone's mother. Zeus was her father.

What is the main idea of the myth Demeter and Persephone?

that the love of a mother, Demeter, for her daughter, Persephone, is unbreakable.