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Traitor, Treasonous, etc.

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Q: What was the term who describe someone who turns against his or her countyr?
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How would you know if someone turns against you?

If someone turns against you,they start behaving bad. They start ignoring you and not caring for you.

What is a traitor?

Somebody who is disloyal or treacherous according to Websters dictionary.

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This theory suggests that the person's immune system accidentally turns against the specific area of the brain that controls alertness and sleep, injuring or destroying it.

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In the play Over the Tavern, the role of Annie is played by Ashley Scales. Annie is an insecure teen who turns rebellious.

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What does it mean if someone turns you on?

Turning someone on means to excite or arouse someone sexually or to be romantically or sexually attractive to someone.

If someone turns you in on a warrant will they get the money?

Only if there is a reward.

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Can someone have his daughter's boyfriend put in jail after the girl turns 18?

If he can prove that they were having a sexual relationship when the girl was not of legal age, but the boy was, then yes he can try to take legal action against the boy.