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Q: What was the tuition for UCLA in 1950?
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What's the tuition for UCLA?

well like 22,000

How much is UCLA out of state tuition?

Including tuition, mandatory fees, room and board, and estimated expenses for books, costs for attending one year at UCLA are $40,037 out-of-state. (2008) *Information from - see Related Links below

What is the in-state tuition for UCLA?

Including tuition, mandatory fees, room and board, and estimated expenses for books, costs for attending one year at UCLA are $20,969 in-state and 40,037 out-of-state. (2008) *Information from - see Related Links below

What is UCLA's in state tuition?

Including tuition, mandatory fees, room and board, and estimated expenses for books, costs for attending one year at UCLA are $20,969 in-state and 40,037 out-of-state. (2008) *Information from - see Related Links below

What was tuition at UCLA in 1975?

Student Fees/ Yr: $300 Campus Fees: $47 Undergrad Resident Tuition/yr: $300 Non-resident supplemental: $1500

How much does it cost to play a sport at UCLA?

It doesn't cost anything, if you're good enough you can play. In fact the majority of varsity athletes 'get paid' to play for UCLA in the form of tuition scholarships

What is the average of UCLA in tuition?

Based on my financial aid package fr UCLA in the upcoming 2010-2011 school year, the cost for an undergraduate living on campus is approx. $30,000 for the entire school year (including tuition, room, board, books, supplies, etc.). To apply to UCLA, you must pay the UC application fee of $60.

What is cost of UCLA tuition room and board?

University of California: Los AngelesLos Angeles, CaliforniaAnnual College Costs (Fall 2009)In-state tuition and fees: $9,151Out-of-state tuition and fees: $31,820Room and board: $13,314Books and supplies: $1,599Estimated personal expenses: $1,551Transportation expense: $909For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (College Board) indicated directly below this answer section.

What is difference between UCLA and csun?

UCLA is a University of California campus. CSU Northridge is a California State University campus. Both are large and well respected but UCLA has greater name cache. UCLA currently estimates tuition, fees, room and board at $29,000 for California residents. Northridge estimates costs at $22,000, with the difference being almost entirely due to much lower tuitions in the CSU campuses.

What basketball team won both the NCAA and NIT in the same year?

City College of New York in 1950

How much is UCLA tuition?

Tuition costs at UCLA, as is the case with all universities in the University of California system, depend on your residency status. For incoming freshman that possess a California Resident status (i.e. who live in California already) the base tuition costs are $12,686 For incoming freshman that lack a California Resident status (i.e. who went to high school in a different state and are now moving to California for college) the base tuition is $12,686 and there is a mandatory "Nonresident Supplemental Tuition" fee of $22,878 making a total of $35,564. Keep in mind that these prices do not include various other fees such as Health Insurance and Transportation and do not include Room and Board. After everything is said and done, instate students end up paying between $23,000 and $32,000 and out-of-state students end up paying between $46,000 and $54,000. Also please note that these figures are current only as of 2012 and all information provided here was taken from the official UCLA Website, listed in the related links section.

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