

Best Answer

You're likely thinking of the X-rays. X RAY

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Q: What wave can go through most matter except bone and lead?
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What wave length goes through most mater except bone and lead?

X-rays have a wavelength that can penetrate most materials except for dense materials like bone and lead. They are commonly used in medical imaging to visualize bones and tissues inside the body.

Can travel only through some type of matter .can travel either through matter or through empty space?

One example would be X-Rays. They are stopped by Lead, but travel through other matter and empty space.

Is lead or bone more dense?


What do Bone cysts lead to?

Bone cysts cause fractures and damage to bone tissue

Is lead more radiopaque then bone?

Lead. Even a thin layer of lead blocks most radiation, where bone is fairly transparent at many frequencies.

What mineral is so dense that X-rays cant pass through?

Lead is a mineral that is so dense that X-rays cannot pass through it easily. This property of lead makes it an effective shield against X-rays and other forms of ionizing radiation.

Can dark matter enter a humans body?

Dark matter does not interact with regular matter in the same way as atoms or molecules, so it cannot enter a human body or any other form of ordinary matter. Its presence is inferred through gravitational effects on visible matter, but it does not interact in a way that would allow it to pass through or interact with human cells.

What is a fracture of the bone?

A broken bone is a bone that has suffered stress. Such stress could lead to several types of fractures.

Why do collagen problems lead to bone problems?

collagen fibers are part of the bone tissue

What travels through empty space and through matter?

Light travels through empty space as well as through matter, such as air, water, and glass. It can also travel through vacuum, which is a form of empty space.

Why did the kansas-nebraska act of 1854 directly lead to the civil war?

It demonstrated that the slavery question would never be settled except through violence.

Should you ignore a broken bone?

Ignoring a broken bone can lead to disability infection or death if you are unlucky,