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Generally, the wavelength of an FM signal is shorter than an AM signal. A typical FM broadcast band is 88-108 MHz, while a typical AM broadcast band is 540-1660 KHz, making the FM signal wavelength 100 times shorter.

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2w ago

FM waves have shorter wavelengths compared to AM waves. This is because FM waves operate at higher frequencies than AM waves.

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14y ago

FM may be modulated to have a shorter wavelength.

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Am has a lower frequency so It has a greater wavelength this is helpful for getting around obstacles in its path.

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Q: What wave has a shorter wavelength AM or FM?
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What is a relationship between frequency and wavelength?

The relationship between frequency and wavelength is inversely proportional. This means that as the frequency of a wave increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa. Mathematically, this relationship can be described by the equation: speed = frequency x wavelength, where speed is a constant value for a given medium.

What happens to energy level a wave the wavelength becomes shorter?

As the wavelength of a wave becomes shorter, the frequency of the wave increases. Since energy is directly proportional to frequency (E = hf), the energy level of the wave increases as the wavelength becomes shorter. This is because shorter wavelengths have higher frequencies, which means each wave carries more energy.

How is wavelength of an EM wave related to its energy?

The shorter the wavelength of a wave, the higher its energy.

If we change the wavelength of a wave and make it shorter but with the same amplitude what would increase?

If you shorten the wavelength of a wave while keeping the amplitude constant, the frequency of the wave will increase. This is because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional in a wave (frequency = speed of wave / wavelength).

What happens to the frequency and energy carried by an electromagnetic wave as the wavelength decreases?

As the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave decreases, the frequency of the wave increases. This means that the energy carried by the wave also increases, as energy is directly proportional to frequency. Therefore, shorter wavelength corresponds to higher frequency and energy in an electromagnetic wave.

Related questions

What is a relationship between frequency and wavelength?

The relationship between frequency and wavelength is inversely proportional. This means that as the frequency of a wave increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa. Mathematically, this relationship can be described by the equation: speed = frequency x wavelength, where speed is a constant value for a given medium.

How is wavelength of an EM wave related to its energy?

The shorter the wavelength of a wave, the higher its energy.

What do a wave with more energy have?

A wave with more energy would have a higher amplitude and frequency, meaning it would appear taller and more compressed in terms of its oscillations. This would result in a more powerful and intense wave that can cause greater disturbances or effects in its environment.

What is the relationship between the velocity frequency and wavelength of a wave?

The velocity of a wave is the product of its frequency and wavelength. This relationship is described by the formula: velocity = frequency x wavelength. This means that as the frequency of a wave increases, its wavelength decreases, and vice versa.

How can you decrease the wavelength of a transverse wave?

You can decrease the wavelength of a transverse wave by increasing the frequency of the wave. This is because wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional in a wave, so increasing the frequency will result in a shorter wavelength.

Which statement correctly describes the relationship between frequency and wavelength?

As the frequency of a wave increases, the shorter its wavelength is.

Electromagnetic wave has a shorter wavelength than visible light waves?

Yes, electromagnetic waves encompass a wide range of wavelengths, with visible light falling within a specific portion of that range. Shorter wavelengths, such as ultraviolet and X-rays, have higher energy and frequencies than visible light.

The higher the frequency of a sound wave the?

The higher the frequency of a sound wave, the higher the pitch of the sound perceived by the human ear.

Does red or violet have the shortest wavelength?

Violet light has a shorter wavelength than red light. In the visible light spectrum, colors with shorter wavelengths, like violet, are located at the higher end of the spectrum, while colors with longer wavelengths, like red, are at the lower end.

What does the wavelength of an EM wave tell about its energy?

The shorter the wavelength of a wave, the higher its energy.

What happens to the amplitude of the wave if the energy increases?

If the energy of a wave increases, the amplitude of the wave also increases. This is because amplitude is directly proportional to energy - as energy increases, more energy is imparted to the wave causing it to oscillate with greater magnitude.

Why does a wave with short wavelenth have a high frequency?

Wave velocity in general = frequency x wavelength As the velocity of the wave remains constant then frequency and wavelength are inversely related So as the wavelength becomes shorter then frequency becomes larger or higher