

What wavelength has the highest pitch?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What wavelength has the highest pitch?
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Which color has highest wavelength?

red colour has highest wavelength

How many crests are there in one wavelength?

usually 1 - a crest is the highest tip of a wavelength. But if the wavelength is measured from the highest point them in 1 wavelength there will be 2 crests

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highest frequency / shortest wavelength / same speed as all other photons.

What has the highest energy and longest wavelength?

Generically speaking, radio waves have the longest wavelength and gamma rays have the highest energy.

Does the notes actually go lower in pitch when it is slowed down?

Yes - as the sound is slowed, the wavelength is stretched. As the pitch is dependent on the frequency of the wavelength, longer wavelength = lower note

Is a pitch of a sound its wavelength?


What determines the highness or lowness of a sound?

Its wavelength, or pitch. Sound is only vibrations in the air. If the wavelength of the vibration is low, then it will sound "high". If the vibration has a high wavelength, then it will sound "low".

The pitch of a sound wave is its wavelength?

Kind of. The pitch of a sound wave is its frequency, and because frequency = 1 / wavelength its pitch is related to the wave length. So to answer, no, the pitch of sound is not the wavelength itself, rather it is the inverse of the wavelength ( 1/wavelength)falseACJM

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What color of light has the highest wavelength?

Violet does

How does frequency change when wavelength shortens?

As wavelength shorten I believe the pitch will become higher

The distance between two successive peaks on a wave is its?

The distance between successive identical parts of a wave is called the wave length.