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I'll answer your question for a variety of waves.

For sound waves, higher pitch sounds have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths.

For water waves, the slowest moving waves have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths.

For seismic waves, S waves have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths than P waves.

For electromagnetic waves, X-rays and gamma rays have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths than, say, visible light.

For quantum mechanical, de Broglie waves, particles with classical analogues of momentum have higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths than individual particles.

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Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency among the electromagnetic waves.

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Q: What waves the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency?
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What waves have the shortest wavelength in the highest frequency?

Gamma waves

What waves have the shortest wavelenght?

Gamma rays are the waves with the shortest wavelength. The waves having highest frequency have the shortest wavelength. As gamma rays have the highest frequency starting from 10^19 and onwards so they have the shortest wavelength starting from 10^-11 and decreasing.

A wave with what frequencies would have shortest wavelength 10MHz 100MHz 1GHz 100GHz?

For the same speed of a wave (I suppose you are referring to electromagnetic waves), the highest frequency corresponds to the shortest wavelength.For the same speed of a wave (I suppose you are referring to electromagnetic waves), the highest frequency corresponds to the shortest wavelength.For the same speed of a wave (I suppose you are referring to electromagnetic waves), the highest frequency corresponds to the shortest wavelength.For the same speed of a wave (I suppose you are referring to electromagnetic waves), the highest frequency corresponds to the shortest wavelength.

Order the types of waves from lowest frequency and wavelength to the highest?

There are many types of waves, but the main ones are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light waves, ultraviolet waves, x-rays, and gamma rays. Radio waves have the longest wavelength and lowest frequency. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.

The what Waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are gamma waves?

"Gamma" is the name given to the electromagnetic radiation with the highest frequency (shortest wavelength, highest energy).

What is the shortest wave of the spectrum?

Gamma rays are the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum, with wavelengths ranging from about 10 picometers to 100 picometers. They have high energy and are often produced by nuclear reactions and radioactive decay.

Is the longest wavelength violet?

No. In the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the waves at the red end have the longest wavelength (lowest frequency), and those at the violet end have the shortest wavelength (highest frequency).

What are the electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequency called?

Gamma Rays

Do waves with the shortest wavelengths have the highest frequencies?

Yes, waves with the shortest wavelengths have the highest frequencies. This relationship is described by the equation v = fλ, where v is the wave velocity, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength. When wavelength decreases, frequency increases proportionally.

Electromagnetic waves of the longest wavelength carry the greatest energy?

Actually, electromagnetic waves of shorter wavelengths carry more energy than waves of longer wavelengths. This is because the energy of a wave is inversely proportional to its wavelength, according to the equation E = h * f, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is frequency. Shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies, which means more energy.

Do red waves orange waves blue waves or radio waves have a higher rate of energy?

Higher energy is carried by electromagnetic radiation with higher frequency (shorter wavelength). Of the items listed in the question, the one with the highest frequency (shortest wavelength) is blue light.

What waves have the shortest wavelength and the highest?

Gamma rays