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Im guessing its a prism? Not sure

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Q: What wedge-shaped glass that breaks up light?
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An instrument that breaks up white light into spectrum?

A prism is commonly used to break up white light into its spectrum. White light is composed of different wavelengths, each corresponding to a different color. When white light passes through a prism, it is refracted, causing the different wavelengths to separate and create a spectrum of colors.

Why there is no dispersion of light refracted through a rectangular glass slab?

A prism breaks up white light into the light spectrum that shows each different color. However, a rectangle does not have the edges needed to break the light up.

What is a special instrument for breaking up light?

Prism breaks up light into different colors.

How do we see different colors in a prism when it reflects?

A prism separates white light into its different wavelengths, resulting in the visible spectrum of colors. This occurs because each color of light travels at a slightly different speed through the prism, causing them to bend at different angles and separate into distinct colors when they exit the prism.

When sunlight is passed through a glass prism it breaks up into different colors when these colors are passed through a reverse prism they form white light this shows that?

sunlight contains all colors.

What happens when light breaks up?

A child dies in Africa.

What is a spectroscope?

A spectroscope is a scientific instrument that is used to analyze the properties of light. It separates light into its individual wavelengths, allowing scientists to identify specific elements or molecules present in a sample based on the way they interact with light. Spectroscopes are commonly used in astronomy, chemistry, and other fields of science to study the composition of different materials.

Slow glass that reduces the speed of light?

Slow glass is a hypothetical material that would allow light to travel at a reduced speed, effectively slowing down the speed of light passing through it. If such a material were possible, it could potentially be used to create interesting optical effects or technologies that rely on manipulating the speed of light. However, as of now, slow glass remains a concept and has not been realized in practice.

How do you make a glass cup?

There are many things that make up a prism. Such as glass, light a it has to be in a certain shape to have the light pass through it.

Why does clear glass warm up faster than coloured glass?

yes because light will have to go through the coloring.

What was the first light bulb made up of?

The first practical light bulb was made up of a filament made of carbonized bamboo that was placed inside a vacuum-sealed glass bulb. This filament would emit light when an electric current passed through it.

Are stainless measuring cups better than glass types?

There is really no difference, and it's really up to preference. Many prefer stainless in the kitchen since glass breaks. The upside of glass of course is that you can see through it.