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The ticket prices for admission on Titanic are quoted as being $4,350 for first class, $1,750 for second class, and $30.00 for third class but, according to historian Peter Engberg those prices "cannot be right; a second class ticket cost more like £10.10 or £13, for example - and a ticket in third class cost something like £6 and the prices of first class tickets varied."

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6y ago

I looked this up when I read the answer below and it is wrong. First class from 150.00 to 4350.00 for two parlour suites. Second class were about 60.00 and third 15.00 to 40.00.

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Q: What were all the prices for the Titanic in 1912?
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Which is the exact date the Titanic sunk?

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Jack Thayer was on the titanic in 1912.

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There is now, but in the Titanic's time (1912) there was not. The Titanic was even bigger than all of the buildings in its time!

How much was it in 1912 to be a 3rd person passenger ticket on the Titanic?

So it depends on... How much did a ticket on the titanic cost. first class ticket $300, second class $187, third class $38. Now be smart and look up these prices and put "1912 prices" after it! BE SMART FOR ONCE! LOOK IT UP AND DO THE MATH!

What year was it when Titanic ship crashed?

The year was 1912 when the Titanic sank.

When did first class get on the Titanic?

They all entered on April 10, 1912

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The titanic lost power on the night of when it sank on 14th April 1912

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If you are asking about the Titanic that sank April 15, 1912, then it is not in a lake at all. It sank in the Atlantic Ocean.

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RMS Titanic sank on April 14, 1912

What years did the Titanic sail?

Maiden voyage: 10 April 1912

Exactly when did the Titanic sink?

15th April 1912