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If they were male, free and 18 or over, citizens.

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Q: What were common people in ancient Athens called?
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What were middle class people in Athens called?

Middle class people in ancient Athens were called metics

Why was the government of ancient Athens called direct democracy?

The people directly chose their king.

Did people of Athens have a full democracy?

Did the people of ancient Athens have a full democracy

Who were ancient Athenians?

The people who inhabited Athens.

What was the social structure for the ancient Athans people?

-Latin was the social structure for the ancient Athens people.

Did the people of ancient Athens have a full democracy explain?

no they didnt, the athens were very poor

Description of the Greek city Athens?

Ancient Athens is a busy city with many people.

How many people are enslaved that lived in Athens in 400 BC?

many and many people where slaved in ancient athens

Who started the people power?

The ancient Greeks of Athens.

What is the name for the ancient representatives of the common people in Rome?

There was no representatives of Common people, however, There was for all of them which called Magistrates.

In ancient Athens which people had the right to vote in elections?


What ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy?

Western democracy has a variety of ancient roots, but none runs deeper (or stronger) than Ancient Greece; in particular, the ancient city-state of Athens. It was in Athens that democracy first appeared in recorded history, and it is from Athens that modern advocates of democracy have taken at least partial inspiration for their own commitments to government "of the people, by the people, for the people."