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malaria, Cholera, Typhus, Gangrene, Influenza,

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Q: What were major sicknesses during WW1 and World War 2?
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Who was the major leader of America during WW1?

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Which battle was the first major victory for american troops in ww1

What was the major disease circulating around America during World War 1?

It's influenza and the pandemic started the year WW1 ended

What was the most major impact of ww1?

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Which world war was kaiser a major participant?

The Kaiser was the leader of Germany during WW1 (it means leader the same as Caesar and Czar), but he wasn't much of a participant.

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A major French seaport during World War I was Calais. It was the major port which had English Channel connections. Calais and Dunkirk are also the routes allied forces soldiers were evacuated in 1940.

What major continent was World War 1?

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What was a major event that led to World War 1?

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was a major event that led to WW1

Which country held politic and economic leadership of the world during world war 1?

Germany was considered a major power in pre WW1 Europe. According to some historians, Germany was on it's way to take UKs place as the major power in Europe.

Emporer of Austria during World War 1?

the emperor of autria during WW1 was Franz Joseph

Poupulaton Canada during World War 1?

The population of Canada during WW1 was 8 million.

Who was the general during World War 1?

Well the General during the WW1 was John Joseph Pershing...(: