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Q: What were reasons that prohibition failed?
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What is a sentence using prohibition?

National Prohibition failed in the US and in other countries.

Did prohibition work ad why?

No, Prohibition failed miserably and caused many problems.

Why was prohibition good?

Prohibition wasn't good because it failed and led to massive social and other problems.

Why the movement on prohibition failed?

It went against human nature.

What are 3 reasons prohibition was not effective?


The government failed to budget enough men and money to enforce this?


For what reasons did prohibition fail?

People didn't support it

Why was prohibition repealed in the 1920s?

National Prohibition in the US was repealed because 74% of the voters had come to believe that it failed in its purpose but also created enormous and serious problems.

What are facts that argue that Prohibition failed?

It failed to reduce the problem of alcohol abuse and it created numerous serious problems for individuals and society.

Was the prohibition act a success?

No, it failed miserably and actually created serious new problems.

Did prohibition achieve its goal?

No, it not only failed but was counterproductive in that it created numerous other problems.

What reasons did traditionalists give for opposing prohibition?

Traditionalists opposed prohibition for reasons such as eroding personal freedoms, increased government intervention in people's lives, negative impacts on small businesses (like breweries and distilleries), and the belief that prohibition would lead to increased criminal activity.