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Q: What were some beliefs on government for thomas hobbes?
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What did thomas hobbes believe citizens must do in exchange for order?

Thomas Hobbes believed that citizens must give up some of their liberties to form order.

Who were some of the early philosophical contributors to American government?

There were numerous philosophers who were inspirations for the framing of the United States government. Some of the most notable are Nicolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, James Harrington, John Locke, Charles de Montesquieu, Thomas Paine, and John Stuart Mill.

What is the set of values and beliefs that a person holds about the purpose and scope of government?

People value freedom and order and often hold that as the purpose and scope of government. Some values on government are set through personal experiences and social interactions.

Why do some groups use insider methods while other groups use outsider methods?

some groups do not want insider status as they may oppose govt all together or feel they will have to compromise their beliefs e.g ALF. however some groups are unable to gain insider groups this could be because of the methods they practice or their beliefs. governments generally do not like to be associated with controversial groups for instance groups associated with euthanasia. other groups may be unable to gain insider groups because their beliefs do not coincide with the beliefs of the government, this means that a groups status may change depending on simply who is government. so in answer to your question some groups choose outsider methods simply because of their beliefs and others may have to use outsider methods such as consulting opposition parties as they are unable to become recognised as legitimate by the government.

Who was a strong believer in strict construction weak government and anti-militarism who was forced to modify some of his principles in office?

Thomas Jefferson

Related questions

What did thomas hobbes believe citizens must do in exchange for order?

Thomas Hobbes believed that citizens must give up some of their liberties to form order.

Who were some of the early philosophical contributors to American government?

There were numerous philosophers who were inspirations for the framing of the United States government. Some of the most notable are Nicolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, James Harrington, John Locke, Charles de Montesquieu, Thomas Paine, and John Stuart Mill.

What are some of thomas hobbes works?

Thomas Hobbes was an enlightenment thinker who believed in the struggle of man. Without government, he argued, life was essentially meaningless. Highly pessimistic, Hobbes did not see an inherent goodness in man, as many of his contemporaries did, and as such took a strict view on the idea of the 'social contract'. His works were numerous and varied throughout his life, but he is the most famous for The Leviathan, De Corpore, and De Homine. Interestingly enough, in the popular cartoon "Calvin and Hobbes" the character of Hobbes is based largely on the philosopher. Hobbes the Tiger is fairly pessimistic and puts a good deal of faith in Calvin's parents-- the perceived government structure.

What were some of Thomas Hobbes accomplishments?

Im not sure but i know he had something to do with the enlightenment

Thomas Hobbes came up with social contract and his version said?

Thomas Hobbes believed that humans by nature are violent and selfish and would not survive unless some kind of government was established that created order. In a state of nature, humans would steal, kill and disregard the rights of others without a social contract.

How did Thomas Hobbes influence your government?

He had the government give the people peace and security.. He rejected the Divine Right of Kings and developed the phrase "Social COntract" to describe the relationship that people surrender some of their natural rights to a government in return security and peace.

According to Thomas Hobbes who should rule?

Thomas Hobbes believed in a social contract theory where individuals gave up some of their rights to a governing authority in exchange for protection and security. He argued that an absolute sovereign, either a monarch or a strong centralized government, should rule to maintain order and prevent chaos in society.

What did Hobbes believe in?

Thomas Hobbes believed in the necessity of a strong central government to maintain social order and prevent chaos. He argued that individuals, in a state of nature, would act in their own self-interest and create a society plagued by violence and conflict. He also believed in the social contract theory, where individuals voluntarily give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and security provided by the government.

Did john Locke and Thomas Hobbes argue that people have a set of natural rights and give some up to society?


Which philosopher wrote the contract theory of government?

The contract theory of government was primarily developed by English philosophers Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. These philosophers argued that individuals enter into a social contract with their government, surrendering some freedoms in exchange for protection of their rights and liberties.

Who is Hobbes and what did he do?

Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher best known for his work Leviathan, in which he explored the concept of the social contract and the need for a strong central authority to prevent a state of nature, which he described as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." Hobbes argued that individuals willingly give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and security provided by the government.

What were some beliefs of the Jeffersonian Party?

the party believes what Thomas Jefferson believes. Like he is for small government. So just look it up on the internet and find what Jefferson believes.