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Q: What were the differences between men and women in the 1960's to do with pregnancy?
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there are differences between men and women good thing

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Women are more than twice as likely to develop depression than men. This can be attributed to differences in hormonal changes between genders. Females see higher depression rates during puberty than males, they experience hormone changes during PMS, and pregnancy and postpartum depression are stated differences that may explain why women experience higher rates of depression than men.

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The main differences between Rolex watches for men and women, would be, color, style, shape, size. All Rolexs' Come in many different varieties for both men and women.

Is true about women in the workforce in the early 1960s?

Women had fewer job opportunities than men did in the early 1960s. Women were blocked from moving to higher-level jobs.

What is true women in the workforce in the early 1960s?

Women had fewer job opportunities than men did in the early 1960s. Women were blocked from moving to higher-level jobs.